EPG Import mod from Dorik1972 Support Thread

There are 446 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 55,847 times. The last Post () by Panda555.

  • ok, get this error ... 0 dwnloads

    Your error has nothing to do with importing events from the specified XMLTV. Your problem is that your file is not downloaded from the specified link. Most likely due to a short waiting time for data download ... In the next version, I will increase this timeout from 10 sec to 60

    If you want it urgently, correct the value in the EPGImport.py file like this

     delayedCall = reactor.callLater(120, d.cancel)

    In this case, the waiting time for downloading data will be 2 minutes.

    ResturtGUI..... Enjoy ....

  • Change done - 0 downlod

    please see pictures


    loading ...


  • Is this after trying to import XMLTV after RestartGUI? Link to xmltv is not dead? Where is the EPGImport log?l

    link to download epg workin just downloading to PC. full restart enigma - telnet - reboot

    log picture attached in previous post

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • AND ? You do not clearly see the server response error - 404! What does the plugin have to do with it? Check your link to the channels lookup table file - channels-tricolor-360E.xml

    Just make download from Eutelsat 36B - and working and get EPG - Thank you.

    Regarding link to "tricolor-channels" come from plugin. really not clue why not downloading to STB. "Tricolor EPG" link work on my PC browser. You might see some strange and give advice.

            <source type="gen_xmltv" nocheck="1" channels="http://runigma.com.ua/EPG/SAT/channels-360E.xml.gz">
              <description>(epg by Igor@K-runigma)- Eutelsat 36B/36C </description>
            <source type="gen_xmltv" nocheck="1" channels="http://runigma.com.ua/EPG/SAT/channels-tricolor-360E.xml.gz">
              <description>(epg by Igor@K-iptvx)- Tricolor </description>

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • "Tricolor EPG" link work on my PC browser. You might see some strange and give advice.

    Realy ?? Are you kidding ?

    Dorik@MacBookPro-4 !!! % wget http://runigma.com.ua/EPG/SAT/channels-tricolor-360E.xml.gz
    --2022-01-10 23:34:40--  http://runigma.com.ua/EPG/SAT/channels-tricolor-360E.xml.gz
    Распознаётся runigma.com.ua (runigma.com.ua)…
    Подключение к runigma.com.ua (runigma.com.ua)||:80... соединение установлено.
    HTTP-запрос отправлен. Ожидание ответа… 404 Not Found
    2022-01-10 23:34:40 ОШИБКА 404: Not Found.

    Regarding link to "tricolor-channels" come from plugin.

    Well, I had no intention of checking every two or three hours all the links to the sources included in the plugin. If the link worked yesterday, but not today, then what? Are you waiting for a new version of the plugin?

  • support and "learning" is carried out here. You don't need to post your "nonsense" here. - EPG Import Support Thread -

    tar: ./postinst: time stamp 2021-12-12 10:25:55 is 1639300980.594072104 s in the future

    Learn to set the system time on your DM920 BEFORE you try to install ANY deb package! What does this plugin or any other have to do with it?

    • Official Post

    Well I would say in the past date is 2021 and we are in 2022 now.

    But he has some already broken dpkg installations so before installing anything more clean up with this commands

     dpkg --configure-a
    apt autoremove


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  • Well I would say in the past date is 2021 and we are in 2022 now.

    But he has some already broken dpkg installations so before installing anything more clean up with this commands

     dpkg --configure-a
    apt autoremove

    thank you my friend for trying help , using Merlin image - now my date and time is correct , dpkg –coinfure –a - then apt autoremove

    and when try to run the plugin to import it freeze, no way only restart the receiver.


    Edited once, last by iet8 ().

  • i need help from him to solve the errors.

    Learn to set the system time on your DM920 BEFORE you try to install ANY deb package! What does this plugin or any other have to do with it?

    What does this plugin or any other have to do with your mistakes?

    i am very sorry if i made an pb for you , over 18 years when i put the error log the developer can fix the prob. i f the developer does not care to fix the pb, no pb, i will forget this plugin and i will not use it.


  • 2 logs are attached.

    Before using the plugin, you need to completely remove the previously incorrectly installed version with all the "tails". Then - install it on a new one and use

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