openpli 10.3- sim2.1 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2022.08.24

There are 232 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 106,268 times. The last Post () by nrg17.

  • Feeds not working. I'm using 7.2

    dm800se login: root

    root@dm800se:~# passwd

    New password:

    Retype new password:

    passwd: password updated successfully

    root@dm800se:~# opkg update




    Collected errors:

    * opkg_download_backend: Failed to download, wget returned 5.

    * opkg_download_backend: Failed to download, wget returned 5.

    * opkg_download_backend: Failed to download, wget returned 5.

    root@dm800se:~# opkg install openvpn

    Collected errors:

    * opkg_prepare_url_for_install: Couldn't find anything to satisfy 'openvpn'.


  • I need crontabs ....

    root@dm800se:/var/volatile/tmp# opkg install busybox-cron

    Collected errors:

    * opkg_prepare_url_for_install: Couldn't find anything to satisfy 'busybox-cron'.


  • mrlu

    Changed the title of the thread from “openpli 7.2 & openpli 9.3 - sim210 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2020.06” to “openpli 7.x - 9.x - 10.x - sim2.1 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2020.07”.
  • Someone tested the 10.1 already? I did :) It works flawless, you did it again MRLU. Your the best.

    Yes my friend works very good thanks mrlu and i didi tested with a Sim A8P

    I use this image from mrlu

    How to :

    After flashing the image do not reboot the Dreambox, go back to the image selection screen on your browser and install the original secondstage-dm800se-84.nfi. After installing SSL, you can now reboot your dreambox


  • mrlu

    Changed the title of the thread from “openpli 7.x - 9.x - 10.x - sim2.1 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2020.07” to “openpli 7.x - 9.x - 10.x - sim2.1 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2020.08.31”.
  • mrlu

    Changed the title of the thread from “openpli 7.x - 9.x - 10.x - sim2.1 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2020.08.31” to “openpli 7.x - 9.x - 10.x - sim2.1 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2020.09.20”.
  • mrlu

    Changed the title of the thread from “openpli 7.x - 9.x - 10.x - sim2.1 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2020.09.20” to “openpli 7.2-10.2 - sim2.1 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2020.10.01”.
  • Hello

    Before i go flash your image openpli 7.2-10.2 - sim2.1 - ssl84d - dm800se - 2020.10.01

    I work with DM800se hd sim2.10 clone with PLI6.1 image

    i have bootloader version 84 (2011-09-01)

    Do i need to flash a newer bootloader version when i will flash your image,

    and where can i download good loader for my box.

    Does also exist openpli 7.3 image.

    Can you perhaps upload new bootloader to my email xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    I will be very happy when you can help me.

    Edited once, last by master G: removed email address. please don`t give away your details on an open forum! ().

  • Neem aan dat jij uit Nederland komt

    Ik ga proberen te flashen, heb wel ervaring met de VU+duo 4k, heb de dm800 pas van iemand gekregen, ook wel een

    leuk ontvangertje.

    Is het via de web browser het makkelijkste (eerst pause drukken, dan aanzetten tot er stop staat en IPadres in browser invullen en

    dan de nfi file naar de box sturen.

    Ik heb nog gezocht naar NFI-Backup (complete backup naar Image op HD), maar is niet te vinden in de applicaties/plugins

    want Backupsuite van de VU+ werkt helaas niet op de Dreambox.

    Zit deze wel in versie 10.2, is dus niet te vinden in openPLI 6.1, die ik nu gebruik op de Dreambox.

    Of zijn er nog andere mogelijkheden om complete image backups te maken na installatie.

    Groetjes en bedankt voor je informatie.

  • :english only1: Please

  • Succces and next time in English or Dutch via private mail. Read awnsers behind your tekst here below.

  • Hello

    I have succesfully installed PLI 10.2 on my DM800se Hd clone

    All is working well, exept my Harddisk will not be detected

    When i look in information, i see my harddisk 320gb ntfs formatted

    but when i push red button to record, he is not initialised.

    With my PLI 6.1 image harddisk worked well, needed not to initialised

    How can ik force hd to work? because he is present in information screen

    I tried hd intern en extern with usb.

    Are there more people with same problem?

  • pls install enigma2-plugin-drivers-ntfs-3g

    opkg install enigma2-plugin-drivers-ntfs-3g

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