Posts by riko_tuga

    i tried to dowlaod from rytech ( i think thats how you spell it ) it dowloads but when i go and look on the channel list only shows the channel name and when you change to a channel thats when the epg shows ( this on 28.2), on the 30.0 soon i go to the channel list shows everything

    just got my technomate tm twin and got the picon's working now trying to work the epg for 28.2 *** uk
    the problem i have is :
    on 30.0 the epg works and loads auto
    but on 28.2 *** uk epg only shows after i change to the channel i want to see
    any ideas on whats wrong ? or what can do to make it work auto like on 30.0
    im usin enigma 2 OpenPLi

    Done :) thank you :) that was easy
    now just have to read on EPG as my *** one are not loading automaticaly , just when i change the channels i get the epg , on the Zon ones are update auto. any ideas on these?

    i also done my first post before i done this one as the rules say

    hi guys im new to the forum and to the picon's
    just got a technomate tm twin to replace my dreambox 800
    and want to use ( or at least try ) Picon's
    but not knowing much about wonder if someone could help me with it, i got usb stick 16gb ready do go in as i read on some other post , but cant find a step by step guide on how to do it
    also looking for the picons for
    30.0w Zon (portugat)
    28.2e *** (uk)