Posts by nicolau

    i have a problem w my solo it read sly a867 usb it dos the configuration but wen i scan dos not find any channals
    i have a file from vuplus (panell dtt e2 solo0,5 ipk) to put via ftp but i dont know were to put the file so it works ,please help

    hi, i dont know anybody who as experience w the 8900. i was hoppeing sombody can tell me w immage it's more similar to nenemis or black hole , be able to download vhannibal setting , emus etc. by remote controll . the hdmu is no bad butlike i said be4 it get stuck in the RADIO CHANNELS ,setting via ftp. any suggestions
    thank you

    im not an expert BUT i was wonder if i can load black hole e2 on the amiko 8900. i have try the HDMU but i cant up grade the setting on line it get stuck in the radio channels . anyway if sombody can help

    Looking around the net and I see some Paid Servers are claiming a Fix for Sly Italia and offering their service.

    Hacked already? i said i dont know much about c*s etc.. it looks the lott guys are one it but nothing that really work yeat .lott false publicity

    Yes its the end/cancel your subscription/cancel your broadband and sell your vu duo box/hide behind the couch...then put that money towards your new television if you ever buy 1:)

    HELLO EVERY ONE if solution can't be foud by the expert is not the end!!
    in i**ly expecially di economy is so bad and who use c*s or pserv is becose can afford regolar set up,s*y goin to loose lott viewrs and this is goin to lower the revenuw from commercials . I like to think that they dont have to much of choice and give in ,or im just a dummy for thinking the way.