Posts by ninja_geezer

    Ok i think i see what you mean,i am not sure how i even got it onto the tspanel ! just wish i could get it back to how i had it a few hours ago !!
    is that possible ian ?? I really do not know very much about the way it works at all im afraid , i really am a total newbie at this sorry.

    ok so the other day i download the tsmedia 4.9b from the library (blue button)
    and a 1 channel fix as well, just been on to re download and they have gone !!
    please can someone tell me where they are.
    The reason i want to update them is i have restored my solo 2 with a back up i made .
    on the tsmedia panel the 1 channel is not working on the primewire proxy but it was on mrdude proxy,
    how do i get it back the this ?

    Use the file in post #14 and you won`t have to worry about setting permissions anymore..

    One question, when i had the file attributes box open i ticked for all sub folders. will this have damaged any of the other plugin/extensions ?
    i had a quick look and i all the other plugins have file attributes of 775 !!
    cheers for the ipk file will test it later.

    how do i do the contents now to 644 ?? whilst in FTP in the plugin folder by right clicking on the file/folder - attributes - you will see 3 options ,press on 644 then exit..
    as for pressin + or - channel button on remote when you are in the plugin and trying to change from page to page within the list of numbered pages..

    I must be dumb ? i have changed the attributes to 775 by typing in the numbers , but there is nowhere else to change anything to 644 only the same box to type in ??
    Oh and the + will not move the cursor on my solo 2 all i get is a no entry sign in the top right hand corner.

    Ian got the plugin installed but i was not able to do this bit (channel mod to 755 and the contents to 644) do not know how ?
    i can see the series on the plugin but cannot move the cursor to the right so i cannot select anything , please can you advise (Solo 2 latest vix)

    For tsmedia, go on updates and press blue for library, scroll down until you find the 1channel fix and excute it, also you will find a 4.9beta that you can install. Restart enigma and it should work again

    The fix has been removed !!
    all it did when i tried it was crash my solo 2 everytime i tried to search on it anyway.

    Just installed airplayer plugin on Vix (latest update)
    does anyone know how to rotate the videos and pictures played from my iphone ?
    as some are the wrong way up they need a 90 degree turn. found nothing in the settings menu.
    i am using a Solo 2.
    other than that it works great from my iphone 5.