Posts by Melgas


    Hi s3n0.

    I have DM900UHD 4K with OPenPLi 7 installed.

    Telnet command:

    wget -O - -q --no-check-certificate "" | bash

    When running this telnet command, will my OSCam always update to the latest version?

    Or do I always have to install with the IPK installer file?

    I appreciate your information.

    Thank you.



    Hello everyone.

    In my DM900UHD 4K, with OpenPLi 7.2, I have a PEN + an HDD.

    Before installing the HDD (today), I had a PEN which was named HDD, in /media/hdd.

    Now with HDD installed, it is named SD1 (/media/sd1/).

    I want to keep PEN as USB + HDD Disk as HDD.

    I can't change the names:

    - The "old HDD", the PEN, for USB.

    - The new HDD to change the name of "SD1" to HDD.

    How to change?

    Thanks in advance.



    Hi voyger and colesbergkhn.

    Sorry, I'm a newbie.

    This file "oscam-1.20_svn-satlodge-team11547-798-arm-newnigma2-linux-gnueabihf-libusb", I am not getting it and I don't know how to install on DM900UHD 4K with OpenPLi 7.

    Please, I am asking for your help.




    Hi @emosim,

    I need your help.


    I installed an IPTV List on my DM900UHD 4K, with OpenPli 7 4K Star (original).

    For this installation, with TELNET, I executed the following command:

    wget -O /etc/enigma2/ "http: // (address) /get.php?username=imp6666&password=080918&type=enigma22_script&output=ts".

    The "" file with Attributes 777 was then created.



    And an IPTV List named "Example" was created

    This List "Example", I renamed it to "BRAZIL IPTV".

    In the file "", I edited the file and, where was "Example", changed it to "BRAZIL IPTV".


    The IPTV List "BRAZIL IPTV" is working perfectly.


    Each time I restart Box, a new IPTV List named "Example" is created.

    I delete this List and, after restarting the Box, the system creates this List again.


    How to solve this problem?

    Thanks and hugs.



    Hello everyone.

    I need your help.


    I installed an IPTV List on my DM900UHD 4K, with OpenPli 7 4K Star (original).

    For this installation, with TELNET, I executed the following command:

    wget -O /etc/enigma2/ "http: // (address) /get.php?username=xxxxxxxx&password=yyyyyyy&type=enigma22_script&output=ts".

    The "" file with Attributes 777 was then created.


    And an IPTV List named "Example" was created

    This List "Example", I renamed it to "BRASIL IPTV".

    In the file "", I edited the file and, where was "Example", changed it to "BRASIL IPTV".


    The IPTV List "BRASIL IPTV" is working perfectly.


    Each time I restart Box, a new IPTV List named "Example" is created.

    I delete this List and, after restarting the Box, the system creates this List again.


    How to solve this problem?

    Thanks and hugs.




    I have the OpenPLi 7 4K Image (original) on the DM900UHD 4K.

    I needed to use Webif and came across the absence of the remote.

    I followed the instructions here to edit the file "dmm.html":

    / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugins / Extensions / OpenWebif / public / static / remotes /

    But the "remotes" folder is empty, it doesn't have the file "dmm.html".

    What should I do?

    One new "dmm.html" file, with the codes as indicated?

    I appreciate help,

    Thank you.



    I installed this new version:
    "DM900UHD: OpenPLi 7.1Star 20190830 4k
    openpli-enigma2-7.1Star-dm900_Original_GStreamer_1.17.0.1_20190830.rootfs.tar.bz2 ".

    By mistake, I uninstalled Oscam-emu:
    "GIT 1789 + d18bbc1-r0".
    NOTE: This plugin corresponds to Oscam-emu 11546-r797.

    I tried to reinstall the same plugin.
    But I didn't find it in softcams.

    I installed the only Oscam-emu plugin available. But, it is old as it corresponds to Oscam-emu 11518-r796.

    Please send me this file, or a more current one.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Thank you.



    Hello everyone.

    I installeded openATV 6.3 Image on my DM900UHD 4K.

    Excellent Image.

    I have a problem with the installation of PEN / USB.

    I am unable to install.

    When I try to start, this error comes up:

    "Starting storage device ...

    ERROR: timeout elapsed, sorry. "

    I have PEN formatted in ext4.

    By TELNET I get:


    root@dm900:~# blkid

    /dev/mmcblk0p2: LABEL="dreambox-rootfs" UUID="3e7bea9e-247b-469e-b738-01b76cb4dd9" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="rootfs" PARTUUID="098638ff-295a-424b-a814-22af1923553"

    /dev/mmcblk0p3: LABEL="dreambox-data" UUID="eccdda25-1a32-49f2-a4b0-5ccf5cf0567" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="data" PARTUUID="5a228664-24c2-4abd-a741-02831f01156e"

    /dev/sda1: UUID="a07ae5fc-235d-4ba6-a483-0e1a380e4d72" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="bee1d03-01"

    /dev/mmcblk1p1: LABEL="SDCard" UUID="bcbe5f89-1d66-d501-b0b0-5b891d66d501" TYPE"ext4" PARTUUID="f9b4386f-01"

    /dev/mmcblk1: PTUUID="f9b4386f" PTTYPE="dos"

    /dev/mmcblk0: PTUUID="d6dc7f93-f6d2-446c-a45d-fbd1e4852cf3" PTTYPE="gpt"

    /dev/mmcblk0p1: PARTLABEL="kernel" PARTUUID="aea839fe-a2dd-45d7-ba18-ec1457fc18d"



    In the file "fstab" I have:

    rootfs / auto defaults 1 1

    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0

    devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0

    usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs noauto 0 0

    tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0

    UUID=bcbe5f89-1d66-d501-b0b0-5b891d66d501 /media/mmc auto defaults 0 0

    UUID=a25f59a0-5b62-40f4-849e-5422f4b489c6 /media/usb auto defaults 0 0


    Help me set up, please.

    Thank you.



    Hi Panda555.

    Yes you are right.

    Probably the problem is in OpenPLi 7.1 Star 4K Image (OE2.5).

    I will have to change. But I don't want OpenATV. I don't get on with her. And I already tried Newnigma2 (OE2.5), also with these problems.

    I am looking for one that can install the ABERTIS Channels (Hispasat 30.0W).

    Thank you.
