Posts by toddy

    In Octagon Sf 8008 and Uclan Ustym Pro Combo with the same image EGAMI 10.5 Plugin FootOnsat does not install I have tried several scripts, by Ipk, Deb, in the Open BH image the plugin installs well and runs perfectly. Any ideas why it doesn't install on Egami 10.5?

    In Octagon SF8008 with Egami 10.5 image the FootOnsat plugin does not install, any ideas to install the plugin.

    vaake friend or you have tried something yourself on the box and there exist a /usr/lib/enigma2/python/ file... remove this one and re-install enigma2 package.

    Some user has already managed to find out where to change the hours of the Footonsat program, as almost no one talks about the error in the program hours, that's because everything must be fine. In my case, PT has 6 hours more than the game hours.Does the author know about the program's problem so he can modify something that is wrong?

    I don't know what's going on but the new version 1.8 -r3 I can't change the time to Portugal, I've already changed it in several ways and in the plugin it always shows the games starting at 6am later ex 8:30pm Portugal in the plugin 02:30am, if anyone can here the file ready for Portugal, thanks in advance.

    Following this manual from friend biko you have to open the Abertis channels, as it is correct for all images including the new OpenPli 9.0 RC

    Boas , vais por DCC a usr/lib/enigma2/pyton/plugins/extensions/footonsat/ui/ mandas este lá para dentro para substituir o que lá tens e reenicias a box depois e ve se as horas dos jogos já não tão

    Portugueses se não alterarem as horas os clubes PT vão jogar ás 23H e 00h30 ehehe.

    For the Portuguese, you have to edit the file and on line 241 to 251, delete everything and paste this .

    def getTime(self, match_date):
    timezone = strftime("%z")
    if timezone.startswith('+') and timezone != '+0000':
    dif = int(timezone.replace('-', '').replace('00', ''))
    calc = (datetime.strptime(match_date, '%H:%M - %Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(hours=-6)).strftime('%H:%M - %Y-%m -%d')
    elif timezone == '+0000':
    calc = match_date
    dif = int(timezone.replace('-', '').replace('00', ''))
    calc = (datetime.strptime(match_date, '%H:%M - %Y-%m-%d') - timedelta(hours=-6)).strftime('%H:%M - %Y-%m -%d')
    return calc

    NOTE. After everything is done and recorded, restart the Box