Posts by gbok

    I have just bought a vu+ duo after using a dm600 for a long time. Could someone tell me what the root & password is for ftp. Is it a similar method of transffering files and folders var/etc as you use with the dm600? Thanks

    Hi henri,
    I use Filezilla.
    Host: is the ip adress of your vu+
    Username: is root (no capitals)
    password: i leave blank
    port : 21
    Filezilla has a nice (reconnect with the last host) button. Once you have got the ftp link you dont need to reenter the info anymore (unless your ip changes)
    Cheers Dennis

    rather than bin it why not try to fix it for yourself and others who use the solo2,instead of expecting others who do not own this box to do it for you?
    its only a keymap problem and a slight edit of the keymap.xml should sort this for yourself and other solo2 users.

    after all its working for nearly everyone else on all other boxes,so its really up to you to sort this out if its not working for you on just one certain box types.


    Hi peoples. I am also a newbie and havnt dared go into the editing yet. I will give it a try. I presume the keymap.xml is in the root folder?? Ill have a sniff around via the filezilla and see what i can find.
    As to transfering over from the left list to the right list i found that the button above the blue button marked > on my remote for the vu+duo did the job:09:
    My problem is that the delete (red button) of the favorite list aint connected up. This will hopefully also be found in the keymap.xml.
    Any pointers from the experts are of course gratefully accepted.
    Cheers Dennis