Posts by JediBUZ

    As it turns out premier sports the premium channel I need the box key for has changed something in their broadcast that is not compatible with cccam any longer. Changed to oscam and all is well again. Just stance that I changed my software the same day and assumed it was the software at fault.

    I know all about the cccam.cfg file and putting a boxkey in it and whare to place it as discribed in the link you posted. my problem is using Glass System Utility doesnt seem to use a cccam.cfg file as there in no cccam.cfg by default. I have tried manually putting a cccam.cfg file into etc folder but UCM seems to not use it. Therefore my question is does any one know where UCM is getting it's cccam data from.

    Do forgive my rudness.

    I'm JediBUZ obviously thats not my name really just a tag I use.

    thanks for the reply, yes probably would be helpful to know a little about my set up.

    I have DM8000, I run with the latest firmware from DMM and just add plugins that are usefull to me rather than other images generally packed with stuff i dont want in some cases carnt unistall or upgrade plugins. I find this works well and generally have a much stabler system. Obviously it has its drawbacks such as no blue panels so getting somethings to work can be a bit more of a bind. believe it or not i have only just discovered the glass system utillity and am giving it a whurl but am a bit stuck with its cam management it terms of boxkey, and where it needs to be. I was just wondering if any of the users of this forum knew the answer?

    Regards JB