Posts by king007

    hi , i am new user of Multics and installed it , please help me for exchanging cache peers
    i havnt any knowledge about cache . what is cache ? how can i add it in my Mcs ?
    how can i be certain that another persons dont ue my cache peer that i send to my friend or vaisa versa ?
    i mean for example if my friend give his/her cache peer to me and i give it to someone else who has Mcs , can he/she use it or just me can use it ?
    dose it have any password somthing like that ?
    what is cache tracker ? if someone has any tutorial about my questions about cache and cache exchanging plz send me

    i had Cccam server before and have many knowledge about emus and addig lines like F-lines C-lines and etc but in multics i am new and dont have imformation about cache and its exchanging , plz help me if u can
