Posts by goodman20102


    I setup a oscam for windows and the link ( it work fine and i get the page
    in the oscam config file i put these lines:

    i want that the web page is my wan ip adresse (i have a fix ip adresse like: is a static ip

    ==>the objectif is can acces my oscam server from the net, or any other computer connected, and i access the control page of my oscam server

    IO tried to redirect the port in my routeur to the port 27000 and i i create a exception in my firewall (oscam.exe) and open ports 27000 tcp and udp, but c'ant work i can't access at this adresse http:

    thanks for the help


    I ask, if someone have Idea how to do a carsharing server with any emu protocol(Cccam, Gbox, Newcam, Oscam etc..)

    The idea i have shared Clines to share with other but i dont find how i create a server in windows xp, without a recepteur or demo, and i want to share with my freinds, in my personnel pc, without cards or demo, just a have a Clines.

    if there tutorials or some help.

    thanks for help guys.

    sorry for my bad english,