Posts by Armpit1UK

    Thanks for all the help but I got so annoyed with it & flashed to a different image to see if the memory issue is to do with the Atv image or my box. Will report back later but how I feel at the min, a full factory reset is on the cards!!

    I,ve had this problem when downloading cccam on openatv image feed when setting up a friends box.

    Easiest fix was to uninstall cccam and install tspanel from the plugins then install cccam from tspanel and start cccam through tspanel.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks galaxien, I would give that a try but I can't find tspanel in the plugins. I tried creating a swapfile on my hdd and that seems to keep CCcam working but my box has plenty of RAM so I shouldn't have to. I've never had to do that on other images. Shame really as I quite like the look of it.

    Good Evening All, I own a Technomate TM-2T and have recently flashed to the latest OpenAtv image. I installed the softcam feeds manually and downloaded CCcam 2.3.0. I put my cfg file in usr/keys and changed the file permissions to 755. When I started the cam, it remains active for a very short time beofre going back to No Cam. I removed that version and installed 2.1.4 but that seems to have the same problem. I have managed to get it working for the past half an hour without changing the channel and it hasn't dropped off yet. Has anyone got any experience of this problem on Atv images? I've not had this issue on Vix or 4D!!