Posts by bumperbee

    Hi All Masters,
    Previously my cable Dreambox Dm800Hd with Atv v4.1 image is using Mgcamd 1.35 and operating perfectly. It consists of 2 folders which are the keys / scce and is it operating under Nagra2. Now the system had change to Nagra3. Is there any Master able to help me make it work again under Nagra3 please?
    Please Help!
    Thanks very much!

    Hi Ferdi, thanks for the reply!
    I am very new to Dreambox, doesn't know much. I look into Information>About, and it says,

    Enigma2: 2013-06-13-release
    Image: Release 4.0.0 2013-06-13
    Frontprocessor version 3.

    Does this means it is using the original Enigma2 image?

    Best Regards

    Hi Everyone,
    I have a Dm7020v2. I am trying to backup using DCC e2 program but unsuccessful. It ask me to install dFlash plugin, so I had save this file named ‘enigma2-plugin-extensions-dflash_12.4.1_all.ipk” to the main page in FTP-Commander. But it is still not working. .In Telnet, it show this message,
    + echo Date: 2012-02-16
    + echo Issuer: Schaedelmeister
    + echo Feed: local
    + echo Image: local
    + md5sum /media/hdd/backup/dm7020hd-2014-02-14.nfi
    + cut -d -f 1
    + MD5SUM=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
    + echo MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
    + echo
    + chmod 777 /media/hdd/backup/dm7020hd-2014-02-14.nfo
    + ls -alh /media/hdd/backup/dm7020hd-2014-02-14.nfi /media/hdd/backup/dm7020hd-
    + rm /tmp/.dflash
    rm: can't remove '/tmp/.dflash': No such file or directory
    + du -h /media/hdd/backup/dm7020hd-2014-02-14.nfi
    + df -h
    + exit 0
    >>> DONE <<<
    root@dm7020hd:~# rm /tmp/mounts; echo ">>> DONE <<<";
    >>> DONE <<<
    Please help!
    Thanks very much!