Posts by scas

    hi, i have a problem with -i think-cool tv guide. vu+solo2 with bh 2.14. if say i look in a bouquet in cool tv guide at a channel, then the summary/info is displayed. if i zap to the channel and then zap to another channel, when looking at that channel again in cool tv guide the summary/info is blank- it happens on all channels ive been on. if i reload cross epg in plugins everything returns , but back to square one. i had this problem a while back and i remember that i clicked some option somewhere, cant remember where or what but it wasnt in ftp, and it fixed it.
    its wrecking my head- any help would be welcomed, thanks

    thanks nano, in no way do i think a linux st box will unlock sly channels, was presuming cs ( paid for), i have no idea on number 3 " The only other way breaks forum rules so i'm not even going to go there."- never even presume another option existed but i'll have a gander.
    "To be totally honest you have missed the boat for cheap UK subscription based TV by about six months. 5ky are in the middle of pairing all its cards to the receiver which at the moment is stopping Premium and HD content from being shared. It will only take 5ky to move the basic subscription channels under this pairing method and all you will be looking at is a blank screen."
    if this is true, and i have no reason to doubt you, then all of it seems pointless as between my tv- freesat, freeview and soarview and the old sly hd box as a receiver, why would anyone buy an expensive box.
    maybe your answer is the prescient truth.

    thanks dirtydonki (btw i have 2 donkeys-don't slag the donks ) . the gigablue quad-at least here in ireland is largely the same price as the solo2, maybe a few quid cheaper but ill have a good look. i'll simplfy my question- am i wasting my money on a solo2 if as in my 1st post thats all i want to do (for the present)?

    hi, this is my first post here-hello-
    i've been with sly for many years and have just cancelled, so i'm looking for a receiver. i am clueless on this subject but willing to learn :06::06::06::06: so heres a few questions- what can i do with a say vu+ solo/duo2 that i cannot with a cheap crappy slybox or any other chinese cheapo. money isnt much of a concern but the solo2 might be as much as i'm willing to spend- are there alternatives.
    all i wan't do do really is get, ahem, 28.2 channels, with record and pause etc, tv players, stream videos on tinternet and some crappy apps like youtube.
    And finally, i know nothing about this but im not a complete idiot- dont have a problem flashing custom roms on rooted phones etc so would the initial setup be obvious and fluid, without anyone knowing my abilities( or lack off)
    thanks in advance

    forgot to say i also want a box that supports a wireless generic keyboard and mouse- my tv a d8000 46 doesnt support keyboard/mouse and the interface is really annoying