Posts by themarkchristie

    Hey Guys

    I have followed this excellent guide but i keep getting fails in the Muxes Scan - I have only configured one Adapter as i am only using single source, I know this is one correct one as when i go to Status the signal Strength is 83%

    So 2 things i have notices when i select 28.8 as my predefined Muxes it vanishes, I have done a full reset on Kodi/Openelec and it does it the 2nd time round.

    If i go into EPG i only get Austria/Czek and the likes but no UK ones - Having previously run Dreamboxes and VU+ i kind of know my way about everything but any ideas on this would be excellent

    Writing to flash memory, please do not turn off power!

    40 %


    Reboot automatically after flashing

    too much data (or bad sectors) in partition 3 (end: 04000000, pos: 04000000)

    That's the exact error I am getting

    Hi Everyone

    A newbie here after some advice or direction

    I bought a DM800HD and was told it was a genuine and it turned out to be a clone, I found this out by flashing a real image instead of a cloned image and ended up getting the CA Not Found error.

    I have managed to resolve that with Dream up and a #84 Bootloader. I can boot with dreamup and get a #57 bootloader but cannot repair the bad sector as I have no image for SSL57 to be able to flash it and repair it at the same time, I can boot to the #87 stop menu and access it over the browser but when I try and run any image like openatv then it gives me a bad sector error

    does anyone have any pointer for me?
