Posts by streimers

    Good evening,

    i´m not sure if it is an issue or an usual behavior.
    I´m using the VU+ Solo2 with BH 2.0.9.

    If i watch tv and record something and want to leave, i send the VU+ to standby. Two minutes later the plugin "autoshutdown" wants to send the VU+ to DeepStandby but that doesn´t work because of course the VU+ records something. On the display you can see in german "Zur Zeit sind..." that means that there are records at the moment and because of that, the VU+ ask before going to deepstandby. If i do nothing, all is fine. After the recording, the VU+ goes to deepstandby. So all is fine, or not?
    It is not! If i want to switch on the VU+ during the time in the display appears "Zur Zeit sind..." nothing happens.
    I know why nothing happens: The VU+ ask in the background if i want to stop the recording to go to deepstandby or not. Because the machine is in normal standby i cannot see the message on the TV. Workaround is to push exit on the remote to cancel the question and then to switch on device.

    Before i used the BH Image i used the VTI Image and i hadn´t the behavoir that the VU+ ask in standby if i want to cancel the record to go the deepstandby. It simple records till to the end and then go to deepstandby.

    The question is unnecessary because the box is in standby not in use, so the box simple had to stay in standby and then go to deepstandby.

    At first i thought it is bad configuration. In the meantime i flashed it again. New flash, nothing installed and exact the same. So why does the box ask in standby to cancel the record if autoshutdown wants to send the box in deepstandby mode. The mainfunction is given. It is only the thing if i want to switch on device during record. It is not fine first to cancel the question before switch on.

    is it the autoshutdown plugin? Does the BH Image uses an older version as the VTI Image.
    (i ask because i recognized that BH really uses older plugins than the VTI Image, eg. Fritzcall, the current version in BH is from january 2013, in VTI its Q4/2013)

    Thanks a lot