Posts by tbe

    KiddaC - no I do not split them out now but the issue is the same either way with the non population of the Series data - Thanks

    Do you need my line details again or do you still have them?

    Hi Kiddac, you have had my provider details before where it is Series and Vod only (no live) but it never returns the Series details only the type, i.e Soap, Adventure etc. The other issue is that it never refreshes this provider or looks like it doesn’t as the Last Update details holds the same date as created and does not refresh when running Update Bouquets. The main issue though is that it does not pull back the Series data, I have noticed it sometimes does on the first creation of the Playlist but mostly not and if it does then running Update Bouquets wipes them out. If you want to take a look and need me to re-send my details let me know as it would be really appreciated. As a side note Xstreamity works correctly and pulls back all the correct data. If you are too busy then no problem as I can use Xstreamity but I like to have my bouquets properly populated in the e2 environment.

    JediMakerXtream V6.13
    New file on post 1

    Might help to eliminate some issues of providers data not downloading correctly. (*might)
    seagen ;)

    I installed 6.13 over 6.12 now i see in about still 6.12 what goes wrong here? Should i uninstall it complete to update it right?

    I see the same even on a clean image install in openmultiboot so assume the version number has not been updated but perhaps KiddaC can confirm this

    openatv6.5 is still only a beta version where most plugins do not work as they are not updated to Python 3. This is certainly the case for my vu+ solo 4k

    For Jedi Maker Xstream just replace your plugin file with this one


    Works thanks

    Update: the number of Active Connections does not seem to update as now always shows as ‘None’ whereas it used to be 0 and then increment as connections made. Not a problem but just for reference. Second supplier shows as 0 but does increment if existing connection made. However, what I have also seen is that Xstreamity sees the Active Conn as 0 but again does not increment when a connection is active. This is only for the supplier details I sent you as the others are ok. Not a major issue and really just for reference before anyone else possibly comments on it.

    looks like provider issue as they did something their end and appears ok now using XE plug-in.
    Update Jedi still not working, Reflashing to backup as I did a software update for openatv 6.4 this morning and looks like it is since then it has gone wrong.

    Backup from a week ago but same problem so not that, keep digging I assume😒

    it is not a mistake in the URL as nothing has changed and I have even re-input and copied the working link from Xstreamity into Jedi and same problem. Provider cannot help so I am completely lost at the moment, but thanks for your response

    did you try deleting the playlist_all.json file ? i have had same problem in both jedimaker and xstreamity .json got corrupted

    must admit I have tried that so will do in awhile as recording something for the wife at the moment so dare not fast restart until it is over 😉

    same problem still in Jedi, as said Xstreamity has no issue

    it is not a mistake in the URL as nothing has changed and I have even re-input and copied the working link from Xstreamity into Jedi and same problem. Provider cannot help so I am completely lost at the moment, but thanks for your response

    did you try deleting the playlist_all.json file ? i have had same problem in both jedimaker and xstreamity .json got corrupted

    must admit I have tried that so will do in awhile as recording something for the wife at the moment so dare not fast restart until it is over 😉