Posts by losuse

    i know seca card is working fine by oscam and cccam, but this seca from 3311 and 3315, not from my side. plz understand. this seca only working with orignal box , all other decoder can't reader seca card. i not know how to break seca card .

    Nagra 3 mpeg-4 card also can't get BK&RSA by orignal box, i already dump file , but nothing, rom call 4**.

    who can break nagra 3 MPEG-4 new system now? also can get BK&RSA by nagra 3 mpeg-4 orignal box ? i already dump file by orignal box, but i sure can't get BK&RSA.

    i also have seca 2(Mediaguard) 100:0001e3 canalsat africa 22W card with orgianl box, this seca card unpaired, but this card not work by OSCAM and other box also, only work with 3pcs different type orignal box now. who can help me now? thanks

    DSTV 36E channel using surflcok , can't running any channel by DM800, need renew signal by orignal box more than 6 times everyday. i also have Nagra 3 orignal box with paired card together, already to obtain a dumped of flash, but i not know how to get extract Box *** and Rsakey, who can help me? other seca 2(Mediaguard) 100:0001e3 canalsat also can get box *** and rsa key like Nagra 3? plz PM only to me and moeny to you, thanks.