Posts by DDJ

    So, which Image/ tools do Ineed to get me started. What do I need 1st. Maybe you could guide me please.

    Hi all,

    Now I know the basic set up of my VU+duo (After a week of hard work trying to store all my sat positions ) I'm now ready to learn what this baby can realy do!. Which image should I use ? What should be Installed .... What is an Ipk file ... I need to know this. I just can't get my head round it. Can someone please help.

    Hi all,

    My VU+duo did eventualy arrive ( a week later ). I set it up as instructed by the manuall, learnt how to install B/H ,then scanned for saterllits and that's where the problem started. It wouldn't store them at all. But eventually I solved the problem, with a lot of umming and arring that is. So yesterday my motor decided to take an early retirement. Yes, ( It kicked the bucket ). Now the wait for a new motor begins. I would like to see what this amazing bit of tech can do when It is up and running. So, in the meantime can anyone help me with Ccam how to install and were do I find it. An easy step by step guide would be prefered as I am a newbie to all of this. Oh! just one more thing. Is Linux something I need to install or is it allready on my VU+ duo. Here's hoping someone will answer my plea.

    Many Thanks,


    Sorry I don't understand . Can you explain in detail how to do that. I'm a newbie to all of this.

    When I download the lates Catseye rar. I then load on to usb stick then into my VU+duo , a message ( no readable file ) appears on the front panel !. Can you help I've had my VU+duo 3 Days and I cant get any Satellites stored. Again its not my dish, that's fine. Im going crazy it just won't play fair with me. Have you got the answer to this !.

    Cheers , DDJ.


    Thank you for the reply. My dish is aligned, it just won't stop at the particular satellite that I need to store in the STB. I'm not doing anything diffrent with the VU+duo .I'm manually positioning the dish when it is foud with built in satfinder storing then scaning, But nothing every time. There is nothing wrong with the dish The Singnal strength &
    Quality are both fine It just will not stay on the sat that I need. It just keeps moving !!!!!!!.

    Hi all.

    Can someone please tell me why my new VU+duo won't store any sat position from 45E to 45W It was delivered yesterday 22/04/14 and It's driving me Crazy, I've tried everything possible & still nothing. I have a 1.1m dish fully motorised with single universal LNB , single coax cable direct to sat input 1 on the rear ov my VU+duo. That's how the set up should be '' according to the user manual ''. They do say ...try try try again, how many more times !. So It is with all fingers and toes crossed and everything else including my eyes. Can someone help ! , if so. A step by step simple guide for this simpleton would be very helpfull.

    PS, I would eventually like to this amzing STB working.

    Many Thank's, DDJ