Posts by nexus01

    I agree with every word you say. I gave it only for informational purposes. Box owners should act with awareness of this.

    This transaction is neither my nor your responsibility.

    If you don't know, definitely stay away.

    gpt is the easiest and hassle-free installation.

    1. Install gutemine feed plugin on any 2.6 image.

    2. When the plugin is installed, there is a rescue loader at the bottom. The latest version is 14. Install it. If it says installed, it is OK.

    3. Then put the device into recovery mode via device power or image. You will see that loader 14 has been loaded.

    4. There is everything necessary regarding GPT. Make as many partitions as you want. You can install a 2.0 or 2.6 image in each partition, including 0, such as

    6. There are necessary sections for return in the loader.

    give the commands in order

    echo "deb [trusted=yes] ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gutemine.list

    apt-get update

    apt-get install enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-gutemine

    You can also delete the image you uploaded to gutemine feed by adding a new image to that section or using the delete command.

    # gutemine plugin full remove:

    apt-get update && apt-get autoremove -y enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-gutemine

    # BluePanel / Addon-Manager gutemine and SvenH Filterlist remove:

    rm /etc/enigma2/AddonFilterlist_gutemine.json

    rm /etc/enigma2/AddonFilterlist_SvenH.json

    rm /etc/enigma2/AddonFilterlistuser.json

    #restart box or reboot