Posts by foxbunny


    have never heard of such a project as I dont think it´s neither possible nor viable/feasible as a WAP...

    The original idea was to have a separate router/AP, but I came to the conclusion that hooking up a WiFi dongle to a receiver might be possible. My line of thought was, hook up a wireless dongle with AP mode capability (some Ralink and Atheros devices, for instance) to the USB port, make that available to the STB's OS as a wlan interface, set it to AP mode, install a DHCP server (e.g., Dnsmasq), etc.

    Of course, I'm coming from a desktop/server Linux background, so this is strictly based on my experiences on such platforms, and a limited knowledge of platforms like OpenWrt, which run on equipment that normally serves as WAP. So, am I missing something? Why do you think it's not feasible on STBs?


    Why would you want to..???

    Also, I'm not really interested in sharing TV/video/audio or recordings thereof. I have a completely different use case in mind (it's a long story). It's for this:

    I know this might not be a strictly sat question, but here goes.

    I'm currently researching the possibility of converting a DVB-S/S2 receiver into a wireless access point. Since I'm quite new to receivers and sat TV in general, I have a few questions about receivers and would also like to hear your comments about how 'sane' this project is generally. :)

    What is your recommendation for a DVB-S/S2 receiver that is Linux-based or Linux-compatible? I'm looking specifically for devices that have LAN and USB ports, and preferably with an OS that can be flashed or easy to customize.

    Apart from Enigma, what other Linux distros are there for receivers, and where can I get a better picture of the Linux landscape on receivers in general?

    Thank you in advance, and sorry for any stupid questions I might have posted.