Posts by dh4rms

    ok great, rem where do i find Helios 017, as the box keeps on saying feeds are down and i checked a folder mentioned on another post about wget being renamed. Hoping to down load and update the firmware using a usb key and then changing the default root pwd (now that i disabled upnp on my router)

    Hi all I downloaded enigma2-plugin-extensions-autobouquets-e2_201310201900-r1_all.rar and unzipped. I was expecting to just upload the ipx file to /var/tmp and install via vix 3.0 install plugins, but I see there are a lot more files in there and I've had no luck with another version as it says dvbsnoop missing. Currently using the default bouquet maker on the vix 3.0 box but hate it as I don't get any options to setup folders.

    Could really do with a
    1) step by step setup for a vu+ solo2 box, like to scan a channel or not if wanting to use above bouquet
    2) bouquet install from ftp'ing to install and confg
    3) epg setup for crossepg

    Think I may be on the right track in terms of the correct order, sorry if this post is in the wrong place or been answered already, but been searching a couple of forums with little luck so far, appreciate any help :-)