Posts by ozimpex

    I would like to provide a little more information; I used a ready made backup as oozoone image. Therefore when I go to "storage devices" under setup-system-storage devices, I see two hard drives. One of these drives look like not mounted as it is not my hard drive but my hard drive, when hit "OK", shows two partitions one of which has an extension "swp". Am I supposed to show only one hard drive with one partition or more?
    I really appreciate your input.

    It is 2.0 and the dreambox is genuine 8000.
    Sandra...I have tried all that you suggest but somehow it does not work. When I try to initialize the hard disk I get the message that it cannot be initialized.I wonder if there could be something wrong with the image or the hard drive itself!!! If you have other suggestions please send them my way. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    Which version do I install and how do I do it? Thank you for taking the time to help me. As a separate issue I would like to ask why is is that every time I do a software update it finds the same updates and tells me that it has updated and goes into restart. When we come back from restart I run the software update again and it finds the same updates....why is that? Something is wrong but I am not sure what!!

    Hi all,

    I have recently installed a OoZoon image on my Dreambox 8000HD but somehow cannot get the hard disk to record. I keep getting the following message "Unconfigured storage devices found" . I tried every option given in the menu but could not accomplish it to work properly. Any help would be appreciated.