Posts by daimler

    I have found a file named "playlist" in folder


    After deleting it the movie file is no more present in MP2 so the shit is solved. :)

    Don´t know how the playlist could be saved in enigma2 folder because all playlists are stored in default folder which is


    Anyway, thanks KiddaC for your help and directing me to a solution.


    I have tried theese steps but did not helped.

    I was looking for some simple alternative for MP2 but did not find anything suitable for my old mum.

    Anyway, thank you for your help, ideas and great joke. :)))

    Tomorrow I will try to "mess up" my settings :) and if I figure something out I will let you know.

    I haven´t find anything.

    Regarding MP2 there are theese settings:







    Does the last one (config.plugins.mediaplayer2.useLibMedia=True) something to do with it?

    Everytime I open Media Player 2 on Pure2 image v7.3, Media Player shows in playlist window movie file I was watching few day ago (from USB drive).

    I have used "clear playlist" and also "remove item" options from the Menu but it is still present everytime I open Media Player.

    How could it be deleted?

    Please, could somebody help to modify (or similar converter) ?

    Problem is in detection of video format (widescreen). Even if picture has resolution 720x576 it is detected as 16:9 because format info is getting this way:

    self.type == self.IS_WIDESCREEN:

    return info.getInfo(iServiceInformation.sAspect) in WIDESCREEN

    There would be much better to get format type this way:

    xres/yres and compare if it is 16:9 (16/9=1,78) or 4:3 (4/3=1,33).

    Everyone who has Pure2 image knows how Estuary looks so I don´t think I am misleading anybody.

    I just need to have some infos in infobar not having covered almost half of the screen with any other widgets.

    I don´t push you to change Estuary and I don´t want it. I can use another skin or change it to my needs.

    I just had a simple question which was about not detecting HEVC codec in any skin. Estuary doesn´t show video codec info so I thought you don´t know there is some problem. And also detecting widescreen is not correct as it is always showing 16:9 even if it is not. Maybe it shoud be calculated as xres divided by yres and by the result decide it is widescreen or not. Maybe some other way could be used.

    If you don´t have time or mood for answering you don´t have to. Just ignore the questions or ignore me. Maybe someone else will answer and if not I can live without it...

    I ment showing codec info in infobar not in service info accessible from menu.

    Also picture format is alwas showing 16:9 even if channel resolution is 720x576.

    But doesn´t matter.

    And what is missing? In first infobar - active caid, server info, ecm time, audio/video codec. But theese are maybe just my needs so don´t worry and don´t waste time.

    It is probably from some skin if it is not present in PurE2. Many skins use the mentioned converter so this is the only way how it could get to my enigma. :)

    I have also tried HDGlass 17 and even this skin was unable to detect HEVC codec.

    But as I mentioned I will try to use FNC converters in my skin mod and will see if it helps.

    Gorski, please could your team check converter "ServiceInfoEX"?

    No skin can detect HEVC (H.265) codec as video type.

    gorski's edit:

    Please, have a good look below (posts 13, 15 and onwards) as to what Estuary can do for you - and it's pretty darn rich offering, let me tell you!!!:cool1:

    Thank you guys.

    disablecrccws_only_for = 0E00:000000;0500:050F00;09C4:0000 00;098C:000000;098D:000000

    with dvbapi priority and ignore settings helped me to open SkyDE again. :thumb:

    Dazn 1,2 was not working but I add disablecrccws = 1 to reader and now Dazn channels work fine.

    SkySport1 and any other channel from BetaDigital is not working.

    Is there some help also for this?