Posts by Zanadu

    I would put money on the cam checkscripts being the cause, disable these & see how it goes buddy.

    Thanks for the reply buddy.
    Can you please explain a bit further. I am no linux guru. I just read and read tutorials and try by trial and error.
    Which cam checkscripts are you referring to? Would appreciate your help.

    Hi to All.
    Hope someone can shed some hope on this curious problem.

    I have two seperate Debian 6 servers set up on the same router. One runs CCcam and the other runs Oscam to read 2 S** It cards.
    I have 2 N lines in my CCcam.cfg from the Oscam server.
    When I have them both running at the same time , the CCcam server keeps crushing all the time, every 15/30 minutes.
    Oscam server keeps running well without any hitches.
    As soon as I switch off the Oscam server, then the CCcam server never crushes. It keeps running for days on end, 24 hours/7days a week
    without one single reboot.

    But as soon as I switch on the oscam server, then the cccam server starts crushing as explained above.
    I do not know what is causing this. I have about 25 to 30 peers on my cccam server but none on my oscam server except for the
    2 Nlines I give to my cccam server. I have failban setup on oscam but I don't get any intruders. And I do not think that my peers are causing
    CCcam to crush.

    Hope someone out there can help to pinpoint the cause of all this.
    Thanks to All!