Posts by jdx79

    While I was waiting I reinstalled ccam and everything is now working. However am interested in the above so this will buy me some time to read how to do this properly. Many thanks for your help master g will let you know how I get on. Appreciated

    Would be happy if it worked and there was enough support for me to know what I am doing yes. Currently using eagle image v5.1.

    Hi master g thx for reply. When I got home couldn't get ccam to work at all so had to fact reset box and reload the ccam, which was a copy of the ccam when it was working years ago ( my own backup) after this can see card in my eagle but no entitlements. Card was paired about 2-3 years ago when boxkey was added. Not really sure about Oscam would try if could get pointed in right direction. Just weird that all stopped after so long

    Cccam 2.1.4 help please
    Hope someone can help. I am running the above ccam on my eagle linux box (dreambox 500 clone) with white 963 card in. All has been working well for years but yesterday not sure what happened but nothing clearing now! Looks like ccam corrupted so re-installed but still nothing. Have box key in like before so can't figure what's happening?
    Heard ccam after this version are not safe so don't want to upgrade. Any help or advice really appreciated.

    Thanks for all your replies. I have decided to go for the Minix neo x8h. will feedback on this box to help others,once I know what im doing. on the flip side if anyone has used this and has advice please share

    guys thanks for the above will look into the fbox. Also has anyone tried the ARC4? is it any good?? my worries are that reading around see loads of posts saying that xbmc & android don't work that well together but then others say it does. I guess my main issue is buying the wrong box, so just like the above any advice is always welcome and gratefully received. Also looking at mag250 but will ppst about that in the mag section

    thanks for reply. No you haven't confused me more, just shows me maybe I haven't widened my search. Seena few posts on here where people recommend the ARC4 and this hadn't even come on my radar. Any other suggestions or if anyone has experience of the above boxes then please let me know

    I'm looking at getting an android box to start me off but am seeing loads and am now unsure if which one to go for. I started at a mx2 box then saw m8 box and now an ice cube 2. All say they are great but I'm unsure which will serve me best. Has anyone used any if these boxes and if so any advice greatly appreciated