Posts by limkkheng

    I uploaded the latest openatv 5.0 nfi file to mmfile directory and then performed "install" to install the image.The message showed that installation had been completed successfully and then the box went to reboot but it stopped half way after the mmboot "boot screen". I had no problem to install other inmages including openpli. my box is dm800se sim a8p. please help. Thanks

    I use dm800se . I can install merlin image using the menu "Install merlin image" which downloads files directlly from the feed, but I cannot use "Restore" to unpack the *.nfi files from the Bootx-backup directory. There is an error message "missing system files". I have installed nfidump v0.11 in my flash image. I cannot figure what are the "missing system files " ?

    I uploaded the *.nfi files to booX "bootX_backup" directory. When I tried to restore the *.nfi image files, I received the message "missing system files". Please help!