Posts by grecianboyz


    Yes i have it (in the newcamd section , enable mgclient)

    I don't know what is the CWS_INCOMING_PORT = 21000 and how to configure it (i maybe open it to my router???)

    and what is the 2 words at the end of the CWS line?? what is lan and the other word?

    Hello to all

    I have an ubuntu machine with oscam installed.
    I have a client with cccam installed

    I tried to run mgcamd to my client but i didn't make the right steps

    Here is my configuration


    label = mycard
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 005:002
    services = channel1
    caid = 0604
    force_i***** = 1
    boxkey = 1122334455667788
    detect = cd
    mhz = 600
    cardmhz = 600
    ident = 0604:000000
    chid = 0604:000014,000002,000003,000015
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    ratelimitecm = 3
    ratelimitseconds = 12


    user = client1
    pwd = pass1
    group = 1
    uniq = 2
    monlevel = 1
    au = mycard
    services = channel1
    caid = 0604
    ident = 0604:000000
    numusers = 3

    At this time i give nline to the client (dreambox) which is the following

    N: hostname 34000 client1 pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    It works fine but i want to install mgcamd to client

    I tried the following configuration but the client do not connect with my oscam server


    CWS_INCOMING_PORT = 21000 ( what is this port???)
    CWS = hostname 34000 client1 pass1 01 02 13 04 15 06 17 08 01 10 11 12 13 14 lan mycard (what is lan??In the other option i put my card label)

    I have not connection from the client to the server

    What is the mistake?

    Maybe i must install mgcamd to server? Or newcs? Because i read that oscam can have mgcamd clients without other emulator running

    Thanx in advance

    So , what is the problem? Do you have any usefull info for me? I heard that n**va blocked some emm updates and maybe the cards do not update correctly.

    I will give a try to a compiled version of oscam that i've found in another forum about this problem and i will inform you

    The strange is that all my peers work fine but only my home client disconnect and reconnect every 6 seconds...


    The drop duplicate users option was disabled before 1 hour. I enabled it to see if this was the problem. But no success

    I am giving n lines to my peers and i have 1-2 users that i gave clines

    When i change the n line to c line the client works fine. But it doesn't send updates to my card on ubuntu

    I do not use cccam , i only enabled the cccam option to my oscam.conf but the client does not send updates to the card

    If i can enable someway this option , i will leave the cline to the client.

    serverip = local ip
    logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
    cwlogdir = /tmp/oscam/cw
    clienttimeout = 3000
    fallbacktimeout = 2000
    clientmaxidle = 1200
    cachedelay = 5
    nice = 0
    maxlogsize = 3000
    waitforcards = 0
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    dropdups = 1
    lb_savepath =

    port = 34002
    serverip = local ip
    nocrypt = x.x.x.x
    hideclient_to = 15
    monlevel = 4
    appendchaninfo = 1

    port = 34000@0604:000000
    serverip = local ip
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314

    port = 15000
    reshare = 2
    version = 2.1.4
    nodeid = 6F930C7E10341404
    reshare_mode = 1

    httpport = port
    httpuser = user
    httppwd = pass
    httpallowed =

    enabled = 1
    penalty = 1
    aclogfile = ./oscam_ac.log

    And the oscam.user ( the user that updates my card)

    user = user
    pwd = pass
    group = 1
    uniq = 1
    au = n***
    services = n***cinema_1,n***cinema_2,mega
    caid = 0604
    ident = 0604:000000
    cccmaxhops = 0
    cccreshare = 3
    numusers = 3

    The above user is the only one that i give au option. the other users haven't this option

    For lot of days there was no problem . But in the last 2 months it's the third time that i have this problem

    Hello to all

    I have a very strange problem. I have oscam stable 1.10 in an ubuntu machine 10.04 with a local card in a smargo usb reader

    I have about 20 peers but i have problem with 2 of them. For more than a month oscam work fine without freezes.

    All my clients run cccam and i give them nlines or clines

    In the two clients that i have the problem i gave them n lines and the problem is the following

    2011/12/20 10:10:35 A4B6BB70 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client x.x.x.x granted (myclient, au=on (1 reader))

    2011/12/20 10:10:35 A4B6BB70 c user myclient authenticated successfully (CCcam)

    2011/12/20 10:10:35 A4B6BB70 c AU enabled for user myclient on reader n***

    2011/12/20 10:10:41 A4B6BB70 c myclient disconnected from x.x.x.x

    These 2 clients have greek ip. Their global networks have no problems .

    The strange is that when i give them clines they work fine

    Please help
