Posts by corpina

    DNS/ISP is this post: #481

    Version 1.9 that is in the OpenATV 7.4 feeds works well.

    I installed directly from the feeds


    First do this configurations in serviceapp: #472

    After do....

    VPN ---OFF

    Movie Service Reference 4097

    DNS is this post: #481

    Box octagon sf 8008.

    When I have time I will test it on Egami 10.5 r6, Pure2 7.4 and OpenBH 5.4

    Thanks for your work!

    No to me:

    Octagon sf 8008 with openatv 7.4 VPN on all servers OFF

    Octagon sf 8008 with egami 10.5 r6 VPN on, DNS google, server vavoo,OK

    .....................................Pure2 7.4 VPN on all servers OFF

    .....................................OBH 5.4 VPN on all servers OFF

    OK,my last test was with version 1.4 and was all ok,but here I don't use VPN. Now I can't test it,because I'm not at home,can test it only next sunday,sorry.

    The last wek the version 1.4 also work fine to me, today the last version 1.6 no, with the vpn on and with the vpn off

    What not works?Install of the plugin?Have you install the plugin version from the ATV Feed under ATV 7 4?Because here no problems.

    I installed version 1.6 directtly from the openatv 7.4 feed.

    Per telnet I do this :

    init 4

    killall -9 enigma2

    ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=4 > /tmp/debug-vavoo.log 2>&1 &

    I have VPN in my box

    Ive tried it with the vpn on and with the vpn off

    Ive tried it with ipv6 off an ipv6 on and anything works

    please don't accept don't work.. only test with debug from telnet.. i delete all reply

    on pc.. now .. only with vpn work ..

    I had version 1.4 installed until last Friday it worked fine.

    Today I saw that there was already a new version 1.6, I uninstalled the old one an installed the new one, it didn't work

    So using this telnet commands:

    init 4

    killall -9 enigma2

    ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=4 > /tmp/debug-vavoo.log 2>&1 &

    The box reeboot but it still doesnt open any channels whether the vpn is on or off.

    png: 20240610_144119.jpg and 1 other file
    Visit this link to download: 20240610_144119.jpg and 1 other file


    I got problem after installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro_1.2+git102+25ebc270+25ebc27500-r0_all.ipk on Octagon SF8008 OpenAtv 7.4 i can't see plugin multi stalker pro . When i go to plugins i got message wrong ELF sclass elfclass64. Tried other ipk. The same results. Everything working on 1.1 version.

    This version: enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro_1.2+git102+25ebc270+25ebc27500-r0_all.ipk, is for the boxes AARCH64

    OCTAGON SF8008 is a box arm the version correct for this box is: enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro_1.2+git98+f8a2afa0+f8a2afacb3-r0_all.ipk

    Yes, Ive seen that.

    After looking more closely I saw that there were two structures in json, one old and one new.

    With DCC I went to etc/enigma2 and there is still a folder with name MultiStalkerPro.json, open this folder and saw that it has the same structura as versions 1.1.

    Is this what I have to copy and save?

    Will you work on the other images later?

    Now I would like to clear up some doubts:

    Anyone who has multiboot boxes and uses different images, for exemple (Egami, Pure, and OpenATV), if you put the same IP in all images you can use the same structure/url/mac in all images or for each image we will have to create a new structure of url/mac via OpenWebIf?

    After entering all our portal (URL/MAC) via OpenWebIf, is it possible to copy the data we entered and save it in case it is needed in future?

    If possible, where can we copy this data?


    I had the same problem, solved it in the following way:

    Go to the PLUGIN OPENWEBINFO and do this configurations, to my work.

    jpg: 20240605_163417.jpg and 1 other file
    Visit this link to download: 20240605_163417.jpg and 1 other file


    The problem was exactly that in the settings configuration in OpenWebInfo!

    I use this version work fine to now: enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro_1.2+git98+f8a2afa0+f8a2afacb3-r0_all

    Thanks for your help!

    Yes the plugin are ok and running correctly.

    But I still can't access it OpenWebInfo, I do this:

    In my Browser I put IP of my box for exemple:

    A window appears to enter my login: user and password

    I put my login data for exemple: user=root, password=0000, as show in the photo 1.

    Immediately give me an error as show in the photo 2.

    Obviously, if I cant access the box and the OpenWebInfo, how can I access to section of multistalkerpro for put my URL/MAC?

    png: FOTO 1.png and 1 other file
    Visit this link to download: FOTO 1.png and 1 other file

    When we put this in the Browser to access OpenWebInfo, the Browser opens a window identical to the one in the foto below to enter our login details, right?

    In this window we have to enter the access data (user and password), from our box/image, right?

    Visit this link to download: Screenshot-from-2024-06-01-15-24-24

    Or are the OpenWebInfo login details that we nedd to enter different?

    Can anyone explain to me how to acess my box using this method?

    I do this configurations in my box (in plugin OpenWebInfo)!

    I've tried to acess this way but I can't, I did it this way:

    In my browser put my ip box, for exemple:

    A window appeared for me to enter my user name and my password, In USER NAME I put root anda in PASWWORD I put the password of my box, there was an error.

    However, wen I want to add, change or remove OSCam or CCcam lines from my box, if I enter the IP address of my box in my browser, I immediatly have access to it without having to enter a user name or password.

    I'm going crazy with this, the more I try configure the latest version of MultistalkerPro the less I understand what needs to be done.

    As you can see in the images, if I only use the IP of the box, I will immediatly access OpenWebInfo, if adding the IP (/multi-stalkerpro/portals), give an error

    png: Captura de Ecrã (62).png and 1 other file
    Visit this link to download: Captura de Ecrã (62).png and 1 other file