Posts by csmainstore

    One question??? the line that you want to reshare, do you have permission from the peer that gave you it to do this???

    This doesn't sound like the kind of post that comes from someone that is "kinda new to this resharing business"

    lol, yes I do have permisson to reshare. It's my own server. Please note the word "kinda".

    You cant constantly request a ecm to store in cache to then re forward to another emu "WITHOUT" a stb "client" actually requesting it

    Hmm, so then if i had to reshare for example 10 channels, will i have to setup 10 stb clients each watching a channel to request the cws? Is there not a way in which I can setup 1 stb and make it forward teh cws for all 10 channels?

    Hey guys im kinda new to this resharing business however i have successfully setup an fslb + csp server and just need some general information.
    My question is that say if i have a n line from from another fslb server. Like account: abc pass: 123 port: 11111 des key: .... etc etc and i want to reshare that line in my own server how would I go about doing that? I tried putting that information in the backend connections of the fslb however inorder to get the cws from that connnection I need one client to watch that channel in order to get the cws from the backend connection. Is there an alternative route to this? Is it possible to create a emulator which gets the cws from the card (or in this case the n line) and reshare that using fslb? (or any other proxy server)

    In simpler terms:
    My goal: reshare that ^ account (however i want to reshare only 1 channel no more no less. Reason? I dont wanna grab all channels. Do i have permission? Yes )
    What have i done? Well currently I have a fslb server. In the backend connections of the server i have put this line:
    Now i want fslb to grab the cws for a specific channel and keep it in its cache and push that cache to another fslb server.
    The problem? In order to grab the cws for that specific channel I have to have a client watching that channel in order for the backend connections to be active and grab that cw and push it.
    If a client doesn't watch the channel I want the cws from, the cws aren't received and thus aren't pushed.
    What have I tried? I have tried using a csp server as a client which I basically want to retrieve the cws from however csp doesn't retrieve the cw either.

    Soo... Please helpp D:
    Thanks in advance.