Posts by dumb0

    hi all jsut an update, i have bought the smargo but it still hasnt arrived!! once it arrives il continue configuring the ubuntu and then buy a DM500 to see if everything works. i will no doubt need help soon so thank you for all your help so far and will hopefully be donating once everything is set up so i can become VIP!!!

    okay i have ordered the Smargo today should arrive in a ferw days. the next step i am presuming is buying a DM500 and puting an image on it which i can ftp to to change the C line??
    does the DM500 need to also have a static?
    do i need to have a specific image - i have heard of PLI and Gimini - which one is easier to install/use
    would i need to upgrade CCCAM on this?

    i have installed remote desktop on the ubuntu so i shoul be able to rdp to it when fitted at my dads so i dont physically need to go thre once it is all set up.

    okay im going to order a smargo and then install it at my parents house....will be back on with updates in a few days as i know i will need help with the smargo. is there a guide on installing the smargo by any chance (il do a search tomorow as its getting late now. thank you for your help. i will update my thread once i have the smargo!

    i will be hopefully making a thread with steps for complete utter n00bs (small one but just with points and links) so by the end of me finishing this off hopefully i can help other n00bs do the same thing.

    here goes:

    1. desktop with linux on (mine will be ubuntu 10.04)
    2. Install SSH
    3. Install FTP
    4. instll APACHE
    5. Install PHP
    6. create all scripts
    7. Install CCCAM 2.1.4
    8. update everything
    ALL OF THE ABOVE CAN BE DONE USING THIS GUIDE:…-cccam-server-ubuntu.html

    8. UPGRADE ccam 2.1.3 TO cccam 2.2.1 USING GUIDE BELOW:…-ubuntu-cccam-2-20-a.html

    I am currently on step 6, now what i want to do is use a DM500 on over the internet as i dont have a dish and dont have any cards. I also dont currently have a DM500 but will purchase one in the next few days and will put it at my parents house. Is there a guide on using a card on a DM500 over the internet to supply the server with the details? if not hten i will need to purchase a smargo and put the server at my parents either way i will get stuck without a guide. i have read the you need to get the boxkey and stuff so if there is any help you can offer or a guide then that would be brill.

    i am doing this for friends and relatives as i have been told that they are using a crook who charges 20pounds a month plus an installation fee of 160 quid and even then it constantly freezes. i dont watch sky nor do i watch standard tv - im an internet man!! however i visit mates houses to watch cricket/boxing e.t.c so i want to give something back to them. this is the reason i dont have a dish or a box or a card!!

    Hi All

    i have been researching over the net for the past week about setting up a linux server and decided that my best bet was using ubuntu 10.04. now i just need help as there seems to be conflicting information about what you actually need, this is what i think you need can someone corrrect me if im wrong and guide me in teh right direction please:

    1. desktop with linux on (mine will be ubuntu 10.04)I
    2. Install SSH
    3. Install FTP
    4. instll APACHE
    5. Install PHP
    6 Install CCCAM(which version would you recommend and where can i download from)

    now this is where i get confused:

    do i need a card reader - if so which one - i have read that smargo's are good with cccam but then i then get some sites saying that you can just use a dm500 which is on the same LAN.

    do i also need a sky dish at the location where the server.

    i will be awaiting replies as i am going to start installing ubuntu in the next 20 mins i have already downloaded and created the bootable usb stick