Posts by maxie

    Hi I just updated it and got 728 build on it now I am just trying to record something to see if it works ill let you know thanks again

    Hi I wouldnt know how to put the MGcamd back as I have never done that before thanks for your help cheers take care

    Hi thanks for that really apreciate it ,could you tell me if I flash it with that buid would I loose the MGcamd thats in it now because if that went I wouldnt know how to put it back thanks again you are a great help cheers take care

    hello I did back it up before I rolled it back what is the latest stable build for it please thanks again take care

    Hello I rolled it back last night to 711 build but it is still the same could you recomend a stable build for it thanks

    Hi thanks for your reply but not sure what you mean sorry ,when its recording there should be a red light flashing on the front of the receiver it has always been like that but for some reason i did an update on the duo and it has gone like this its really doing my head in is this mate thanks again take care

    Hello I have a Vu+Duo with the Vix Image Installed and a 1 terrabite Hard drive internally Installed ,my problem is when I want to record a channel I go to the EPG and choose a channel that I want to record and press record on the remote and when the recording starts there is no red light flashing on the front of the receiver to show that its recording ,and when the recording has finished I go to the list of recordings and press play on the program that I want to play back but the program will not play back for some reason hope you can help me sort this problem out thanks take care best regards

    Hello I have followed your Instuctions to enter a Test line in my Max Digital receiver with Vix Image ,O.K. I have enterd the test line exactly as your tutorial ,but when I go to the receiver to play the line the softcam manager says no CCcam files found and I get a black square saying error ,this it hope you can help cheers.rror:[Failure instance:Traceback:<type
    ececeptions.10error>[Errno2]No such file or direc
    ---<exception caught here>---

    Hi I got this WiFi Dongle with my Max receiver but can not get it to work ,I dont know what to do to get it to work I have tried but I got to be doing the wrong thing hope you can help cheers take care

    Hi guys I want to do a reflash but not sure where to start as this box was all done for me when i got it ,would it be possible for you guys to help me put me in the right direction ,what image I need and the latest build ,hope you can cheers take care best regards