Posts by meggers

    Hi again,

    Just a quick update. My channel list is up to date , just scanned.
    The line works fine in anther STB.
    I tried one emu at a time (using a few different lines). Some connect and some dont but none clear the channels using either CCCam or NewCamd.

    However, out of desperation i tried my N line in mgcamd and the channels started to clear. I then disabled all other emus. No idea why this should work but am glad that it does..

    Hope this helps someone else who finds themselves in the same situation.
    Thanks again for your help. I think I would have given up but for your suggestions.


    Hi, Thanks for moving the post and for your quick response.

    I have autoconnect enabled, I am using a unique line (not on any other box).

    I have tried all your suggestions, exiting... waiting, and also restarted the box a number of times. No matter what happens I can only view the FTA channels.

    As I said, I can ping and connect from within newcamd. I can access youtube etc. I can browse to the box from my PC. Basically, everything seems connected properly.

    Really strange. I was hoping I had missed something obvious, like a setting somewhere.

    Any other ideas? Do these boxes have known problems?

    Thanks, Meggers

    Hi alli,

    Really hope you can help me. I just bought a Ferguson 252 Arvia and have patched it with 1.26B9 (from your post).

    It patch correctly and I used the web interface (online configurator) to add my n: and cline.

    If I go to the Network Menu and select Newcamd client (or cccam client) I can see the line details.

    In Newcamd client I can connect and ping. (in cccam I can connect). This suggests that everything is working correctly. I can also access Youtube etc.

    However, no scrambled channels are clearing. I have plugged in another box (dreambox) and it works fine so it is not the lines.

    I wonder am I missing something in the settings. It is my first time using a Ferguson so I am not familiar with the interface.

    I also tried the 1.22B7 patch but have the same issue.

    I would really appreciate any help as I am totally stuck at this stage.


    Apologies - meant to post this in the Ferguson HD support section.