Posts by mjatkey

    Hi, I'm trying to get Kodilite to work on Amiko Alien running ViX4EProjects image. I've installed most upto date 2.2 version added the Exodus addon no probs yet no matter what I goto films, channels etc always comes back with error.

    I also tried a Kodilite 3.0 with installed Exodus and couple of other addons, but still same.

    I know that Exodus is good as I have Kodi installed on an Edision OS mega with no issues.

    Just not sure what is happening on the Golden Media (Amiko Alien)

    Ran the opkg install python-sqlite3 in telnet comes back as installed on root and uptodate.

    Have attached logs.

    Thanks Martin


    Hi diden, did you resolve the issue with the ash on the 52e? Only I have one which even though there was no bin file error once the upgrade was complete came back as ash? Thanks Martin

    Hi Fano, thanks for a great image, I think yours is the best by a long way. Quick question should a wireless dongle work only I have tried using two different dongles which I know work as I also use a Cloud box. But on the Amiko if i use the driver test it says device not found? I'm not bothered as I use LAN connection on mine but a friend is interested in the Amiko but would idealy like to use wireless. Thanks Martin