Posts by Bluefunk

    Thanks tosbaha2k for the great job to enable videostreaming in IOS 8 again.

    With IOS 8 patch on, video and photo works well, but no audio.
    With IOS 8 patch off, audio works well and also photo, but video didn't. (Only the audio-part is streamed to TV).

    So at the moment I have to switch the IOS 8 patch on and off - regarding if I want to stream audio or video content...
    That's annoying and unexplainable to my girlfriend... :-(

    It would be great, if this can be fixed soon. Am I right, that it is fixed in Kodi/XBMC?

    P.s.: Is it right, that the service name in "air2.service" and "raop.service" is slightly different? ("Airplayer" vs "AirPlayer").
    Must it be changed too, if I changed my service name in airplayer menu??

    P.s.: The Airplay service disappear after a while (over night). Is that a known "bug"?

    Thanks so far!