Posts by ajayuk

    Hi, My 9500 seems to have given up the ghost!, I have no display on the from, no signal to the tv either, the box gets hot if I leave it on and I can feel the HG spinning, but thats it, I cant ftp to it either, is there a way to do a factory reset or is this box bricked???

    Openvix should detect weather there is media files on your usb stick upon plugging it in.
    It has a very capable media player installed in the image.

    Thank you, thats what I feared, its not in any of the usb ports, Ive tested the USB stick on a very lesser digi sat box and as soon Ias I plug it in it finds the media, on my 9500 nothing!... do you think reflashing the latest open vix image will help?

    I fear this is going to sound rather dumb, but I have to ask..
    I cannot find a media player on my Xtred 9500, I want to show some movies (Cartoons) for my nipper and Im feeling very foolish that I cannot figure out how to do it, nowhere on the Menu system is a media player, Ive loaded a Media player plugin but that just reads the root and not the UBS sockets. Ive tried front and rearUSB sockets and none will show.
    Im ready to reflash the OpenVix image if needed, this may also fix the problem I have with yourtube..
    Your thoughts or help will be muchly appreciated.


    This is my setup, Extrend 9500 box, OpenVix, Ive updated everything so fay, deleted the extensions fpor 'Youtubre' and uploaded the one kindly provided above, that didnt work, so Ive deleted that and reinstalled another youtube extension, again its the same, i can go into it, do a search, but as soon as I try to play the downloaded file (Fireman Sam) for my son, or indeed any other video, it starts, then within 1 sec, the box locks up and needs a powerdown to restore it, the remote ot indeed buttons on the box are also locked until its powered down. This is doing my head in!!

    Hi, this problem has only just started,
    Everytime I use the youtube plugin and click for example a catoon for my son, it downloads, starts buffering, then first 1 sec shows before the box just locks up and needs to be powered down in order to use it again, I get no access from the box by remote or on the box itself until I power down then back on again.

    any ideas????

    Hi all,

    When I use Open Webif to edit and move channels, is there a save function?.. the reason I ask is because they Boquets keep reverting back to the original and all the work I do rearranging channels is wasted.

    Im using openVix image

    First of all my apologize for talking about something I shouldnt within the forum rules.. it will not happen again...

    I still need lots of help with this box.

    Mckee25 told me to do this... press menu/plugins/ green button download plugins / then select softcams..... CCcam 2.3.0 will do you
    However I do not have the Plugins option anywhere within my menu system! so Im totally lost, how on earth can I load a plugin without that option,
    In my menu I have this
    One further quick question, If I do a factory reset does it wipe out the Flashed OpenVix image?


    any help would be most grateful..

    Firstly you need a small amount of knowledge of how a linux system works for instance tranferring files using FTP thats file transfer protocol once you understand that things become easier.
    You will need to upload a channel list as codar explains using DBE dreambox edit so your first job will be to download DREAMBOX EDIT AND UNRar it on your computer another programme you will need to download and install is DCC or known as dreambox control center once you have these programmes on your computer get back to us for help
    C.LINE is controlled by a softcam this can be installed via your image (depending on image) or by downloading linuxsat support addon THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST USEFULL ADDON YOU WILL NEED

    Once again, many thanks for the reply and of course your patience.

    This is my setup
    XT9500 with OpenVx image?
    I know how to use FTP
    I have DCC installed on my PC and also DreamBox Edit.
    I think the channel editor side of things I can manage, fingers crossed, but the Cline or plugin's Im lost with, I have a 'Gift' and want to be able to use those channels but I do need a sort of idiot guide in doing it.

    Thank you for your detailed reply, but to be honest you are talking spanish to me, I have absolutely no idea how I get an 'autoboquets' plugin on 'my image', is there an idiots guide to all this? how do you 'upload' a plugin and where do you get them from??...
    What about Cline, do I need a 'plugin' for that too??

    as the title says, let me explain

    1. I live in spain and had a Furguson 103e but the EPG was abismal and I was told to get this ET 9500.

    Is there a channel editor with which I can move channels around on this box???

    2. How can I Cline with it there are no where to put my settings, do I need a plugin or something?

    the box is flashed with OpenVix
    if there is any other info you need from me please ask but be gentle...

    Hi all

    Im trying to use an RS232 lead to communicate with my 102E, Ive downloaded from ferguson the new ROM file and RS232 communication prog, but every time I try to load the Rom file into the EROM Upgrade.exe file it keeps telling me wrong file! yet this is from Ferguson and I know it is 100% the correct one. If I try to use a patched file it accepts that but tells me I need to reset the target STB, i cant get any further and Im tearing what little hair out that I have left.