Posts by jareckib

    Does anyone have a version that allows to download subtitles for movies? I use version ---Mario----E2iPlayer2023.05.17.01

    Blue Button---Download----Download subtitles failed. Last error."Failed to gzip." or Last error."Failed to write file "/hdd/"."

    Problemy które trzeba samemu usunąć w w.w.sofcie:

    1. Podmiana pliku player2.ko
    2. Podmiana tuxtxt2.conf- polska telegazeta
    3. Podmiana tuxtxt.ttf - no i mamy polską czcionkę w TTX
    4. Recznie dodać CrossEPG do SystemPlugins i var- (zmienić uprawnienia na 755)- orginalne w sofcie EPG strasznie kuleje.

    5. Działa IPTV player i Freeplayer- ale też trzeba ręcznie dodać.

    You need to replace the following files by yourself- the English (your country) version from another image of enigma
    1. player2.ko
    2. tuxtxt2.conf - from English version of Enigma 2
    3. tuxtxt.ttf - from English version of Enigma 2
    4. Manually add CrossEPG to [SystemPlugins] and [var]- (change permissions to 755) - the original EPG is poor
    5. Works IPTV player and Freeplayer-but you have to manually add.
    6. Full screenshot!
    CCcam works on sh4 (CCcam2.14sh4) but OScam is much better.