Posts by blitzy

    My DM 500-s has worked perfectly for the last few years, but I would like to upgrade to a better box. I don't require anything that is top of the range, I just want a box that is reliable and under €100.

    1. I require a box that has a HDMI port that supports up to 1080p.
    2. I would like the box to have a USB port to flash via USB & support for WiFi dongle/or WiFi built-in.
    3. I would like to be able to record 1 channel at a time - I don't need a dual tuner, if I can get one under €100, great!
    4. LAN port or extra USB port.
    5. Nice user interface.
    6. (Optional) Support for Kodi (xbmc).

    Thanks in advance.

    The only problem is that if I re-flashed, it would erase certain configuration settings I have. After researching further, I have found that I can download the plugin Tutbox commander and navigate to /var/etc/passwd and edit the first line to the following 'root:$1$$34NPeumc9sBBCAw.oUaM80:0:0::/:/bin/sh'. There is one problem, it won't allow me to edit the file. Another thread suggested that I could find the password in another pluggin called Sysinfo v0.8.7, but after I inspected sysinfo, I could not locate the password. So re-flashing would be my only option?

    Hey. I'm a beginner in this field. A guy set the username and password on my dreambox before, so I tried to reset the credentials by using this guide, so that I could telnet to the box.

    My Dreambox DM500 has been working perfectly, until I tried to network mount on the dreambox. After I selected mount, the dreambox crashed, I then had to unplug the box. After the dreambox restarted I was stuck on the PLi boot up screen for about 15 minutes, the screen then reloaded, and then things were back to normal.

    Is there another way in which I can reset the username and password for the box?