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    Hi master G,

    I did a manual install from the Blackhole Softcam Collection, then followed the instructions from the previous link. Hey presto, all my channels are now working...finally. Thanks again for your help. Any ideas's though as to why the 'home' button on the remote won't work with this new Image and 'EPG' button won't list anything?? Is it worth doing a fresh rescan now everything is working ok?

    Thanks again.

    If i press the Blue button it says 'Black Hole Blue Panel' and i have 1 Cams Installed. Common Interface....ok (next to it). Underneath... Set Default CAM. Underneath that the word 'Active Common Interface'.

    I can't see anywhere the Softcam Manager you mentioned.

    Hi All,

    First of all I'm completely new to this, so please be patient with me if i'm just repeating a question you've all heard a 1000 times.:embarrassed:

    Up until yesterday I had been quite happily using my Vu+ Duo with the old 1.6.3 Image. I decided to try the new Image yesterday and since then it has been a steep learning curve for me. I'm more or less there, but i don't think the part where i use FileZilla to put in my C Lines has been done correctly. Please can someone walk me through what i need to do and where my C lines go?

    Another issue i've been having since i flashed the new image is that the 'Home' button on the remote won't work at all? It was fine with the old image?? Any ideas why this is happening?

    Thanks for your help.

    Hi All,
    Just tried to install the latest image for my Vu+ Duo......but once the USB has finished doing it's thing and tells me i need to reboot it just comes back on saying 'Starting' ......and that's it. Nothing happens....i've tried reloading an earlier image and now that says the same thing.

    Any ideas? What am i doing wrong?

    Thanks for any ideas.