Posts by Wabby69…-Tuner-Satellite-Receiver

    youll need to up your money a touch but youll be buying something that youll get value for money , nbox is rubbish amiko rubbish this is the only proper box youll get that cheap £149

    Box arrived yesterday. Slapped a 300GB HDD in out of an old sly box, and its going good.

    Took half hour or so to set up, with auto bouquets (that I wanted) and auto EPG etc etc. Also with a few other softwares installed.

    Very good piece of kit - Would definitely recommend.
    Will update with my feelings about it after a week or so, but it feels so good to get those Sly shackles off!!

    Not really to sure tbh. Like I said I am new to this.

    Currently have the sly HD box.

    Normal EPG and oscam I think is what I am looking for initially - I will explore the rest when I can get the basics working. haha

    Any suggestions on best receiver for under £130?

    Needs to be able to view and record at the same time
    Needs to be able to take an internal HDD rather than USB
    Ideally with some nice images etc

    I am brand new to this and will be upgrading from my current sky box so to speak, so any advise is great.

    I have been looking at the nBox 5800x which looks to do everything - Just not sure how to do it.