Posts by mkazemak

    I am using Blackbox ios app for viewing VU+ Duo2 channels via streaming. Both tuners are active but have different set of satellites assigned
    Problem is I am constantly seeing recording mode and no way to disable it even when app is not in use. This means in some cases I can not switch to channels which are on same tuner that is used for recording/streaming. Only way now to get rid of recording at least for few minutes is restarting VU+ before which I am asked if I am sure that I want to restart since there are active recordings but this restarting takes quite some time and is quite annoying way to switch channels when you need to restart so often
    BlackHole 2.1.5 image installed. Similar problem was with older images as well.

    Is there any other way to stop that recording mode for streaming port?
    Why is it getting into recording mode all the time if I am not using that app?