Posts by FrancHR

    Filme-FNC, OLM-FNC and Plass-FNC are fixed and will be in the img later today.

    Yify-FNC is updated yesterday with a lot new features (btw. yify-FNC isn't just 720p torrent player, it has 1080p/h.265/4k torrents as well from various sources).

    a niko i ne radi ovo od hobby daj molim te kao vi ste svi hobbysti ne radite za pare

    Malo si se zajebo. Mi nikada nismo uzeli paru za ovo, možda neki drugi da, ali mi ne.

    Osim ako netko hoće da donira za daljnje istraživanje, ali to nitko od nas ne traži.

    Ovo je posao koji radiš da bi drugi uživali, sve za džabe (nema tu pare), a za uzvrat dobiješ neinformirane ili polu-informirane korisnike koji samo znaju zahtijevati još više, kukati ili kuditi. I hrpu proizvođača i dealera koji neće/ne žele/ne mogu surađivati, pa se onda boriš da izvučeš iz toga što nemaš da bi dao krajnjem korisniku što više.

    Pa ti sad reci gdje je tu zabava, a kamoli zarada!?


    This is the world's first torrent player on E2 - ever! It streams 4K/3D/1080p/720 and so on... official YIFY torrents.

    For PurE2 users only.

    Use at your own risk! We recommend one uses this plugin ONLY with some VPN plugin!!!!! We can not stress this strongly enough! In some countries it won't even work at all without it! You have been warned!!!

    =================The technical bits=================

    yify-FNC is a torrent player which parses torrents from various torrent sites, but the main source is an official YTS.AM. What you see on you will be able to see in plugin as well.

    For other levels of quality like: 720p-h.265 / 1080p-h.265 / 4K, the plugin uses third party sources like: ettv, torlock, torrentfunk, yourbittorrent, piraterio, torrentgalaxy, toros, rarbg...


    It's simple, you can either

    1) wait for an image update, then you will get yify-FNC via feeds (=> MENU > Plugins > green button > Extensions), or

    2) if you don't want to wait, install as ipk file:

    • first make sure you have the latest image update
    • FTP .ipk file to /home/root/ folder
    • in telnet give the following command: opkg install *.ipk (where * = the name of the file)
    • restart PurE2

    Using the plugin:

    There are plenty of options/features inside, but I will not explain all of them, only a few important ones.

    To get the many options we just mentioned => start the plugin and press the Menu button.

    • download path - here one can choose the path for downloading but do not use FAT32 devices/partitions - use EXT4 or NTFS formatted devices/partitions instead!
      (HDD/SSD and NAS servers are better solutions to download to; on the other hand, USB sticks are OK but not that great, and again - not formatted in FAT32!)
    • buffer size (to be determined before playing a file) - here you can change pre-download size - sometimes 3% is enough to play without stuttering, sometimes 5, 8 or even greater % is needed... it depends on peers, your network, movie quality, etc. etc.
    • If you are not sure what you are doing... leave all other torrent options as you find them...
    • all the other options not directly connected with torrents - feel free to change at will: for instance, auto-subtitle on/off, subtitle language, plugin appearance, translation, etc. etc.

    Please note:

    1. If your provider blocks access to YTS.AM, there is a possibility to change YTS domain to some mirror domain, eg. (BUT! It is still safer to use VPN!!!)
    2. When you start setting up the plugin, as a standard user you will not be able to see all levels of movie quality/resolution - but only 720p!


    If you think we deserve it, you can honour us with a beer, from time to time... Please, see the "donate" button below... ;)

    (gorski's note: 'Tis an enormous undertaking for a small but feisty, creative and rather capable PurE2 Team, so if you can afford it - don't think about it, JUST DO IT, because the coders deserve it!!!)

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    We can build all boxes, but without official support no joy.

    What does it take to qualify as an official image team in the eyes of a manufacturer?

    How can us mere mortals convince manufacturers to include support for our favourite image teams? Especially if they don`t usually answer like you just stated.

    Well, nothing to loose. To them users are important. So in any cases they should to listen users, more than teams.

    hd51 is a different story.

    All of these Mutant images we built in blind mode.

    Now we will stop.

    If you stuck with hd60 and if you like and waiting for pure2 img... then sorry. If not, and you really-really-mega like pure2 you can consider another option; to buy box with pure2 support. :)

    Or you can ask Mutant managers why not pure2.

    We do not support Amiko Viper box. From Amiko; Alien8900, Alien2 and A5.

    And from version 1.5 you can run Pornjava-FNC only on Pure2 image.

    Did anyone look under pManager - Cam Manager - Install Camd?

    There is a plenty binary's with scripts to download.

    Just install what you want from there, and If we're late for a bit, or few hours or one day (big deal), just copy your updated binary to /usr/bin/cam (755 permission) and restart camd. :)

    Your question has nothing to do with IMDb-FNC.

    In fact i'm not sure you are using pure2 on your box. But i will presume you use, so the answer for mapping buttons is; in PurE2 you can map any button by your self.

    Menu -- Setup -- System -- Keyboard/RC -- Extra Button Setup

    • in the new screen press button you want to map (example Arrow up)
    • from the list choose Infobar -- Zap Up (change channel)
    • press OK
    • press green to Save

    From now you can zap up channels with Arrow up.

    Next time be more specific and try to explain things wider. And ask in appropriate section.