Posts by falcon


    Here are pictures fromm my tuner. It is:

    Tuner A1:BCM45308X (DVB-S2)
    Tuner B1:(leer)

    I think it is the best solution for me is to wait until you and Capitan resolve this issue with image. I am awaiting for new fixed ATV Image Version ATV 7.4 or ATV 7.5.

    Best regardsIMG_1712.jpg


    Tuner A1:BCM45308X (DVB-S2)
    Tuner B1:(leer)


    i tried:

    satconfig.pyc is placed in /lib/enigma2/python/screens/ copied to /lib/enigma2/python/screens/


    after reboot the same issue.

    What do you mean with "add .original at end of filename" ??


    Hello, yes i have FBC Tunner with 2 SAT Inputs.

    as suggested from you, i set both tuners:

    Configuration Mode = simple

    Mode = DiSEqC A/B/C/D

    Port A = 16E

    Port B = 13E

    Port C = 1.9E

    Port D =0.8W

    Tuner A2 almost as the same as the previous picture. Just change the satellites

    Configuration Mode = simple

    Mode = DiSEqC A/B/C/D

    Port A =19.2E

    Port B = 23.5E

    Port C = 28.2E

    Port D = 33E

    I can see and scan chanels on Tuner A1:

    Port A = 16E

    Port B = 13E

    Port C = 1.9E

    Port D =0.8W

    But 0% signal on A2 Tuner:

    Port A =19.2E

    Port B = 23.5E

    Port C = 28.2E

    Port D = 33E


    Tuners A3-A8 set as on my pictures. After reboot shows not configured.

    No way to get Signal on A2.

    Any idea???


    Just to clarify: My Tuner is FBC MULTISTREAM TUNER

    Probably another driver needed :), or should be developed


    Hello Abu Baniaz,

    yes i configured Tuner a =simple with Mode = DiSEqC A/B/C/D

    Tuner A1=16°e,13°e,1,9°e,0,8°W

    Tuner A2= Tuner A1

    Tuner A3= Tuner A1

    Tuner A4= Tuner A1

    and, yes, i have all 4 satelittes and all chanel succesfuly scanned.

    But i can not reach 4 another satelites?

    I set tuner 5=simple with Mode = DiSEqC A/B/C/D

    Tuner 5= 19°e,23,5°e,28°e,33°e

    Tuner A6= Tuner A5

    Tuner A7= Tuner A5

    Tuner A8= Tuner A5

    On those 4 satelittes is nothing to find. No any chanel !!

    What is wrong???

    best regards

    Hello Guys

    I have DM920 HD with FBC Multistream TwinTuners and 8 LNB-s over 2 x Spaun diseq. I have Open ATV 7,3 installed

    I have the same issue, Enigma crashed several times when i try to configure 8 LNB-s.

    What is the right setup for my box?

    Physical Configuration:

    Tuner 1:











    Versuche mit diesen Eintrag in oscam.dvbapi

    ######## ORF OSCAM ########


    I: 0

    Ohne deine Config. Dateien kann ich dir nicht mehr sagen.

    Poste deine Oscam.config



    So viel ich weiß versucht OSCAM Sender ORF über mehrere CAID-s zu entschlüsseln (0650,0D95, 09C4, 0648... usw) weil

    ORF2 HD ist bei mehrere SAT Pakete dabei (Austria HD, ORF, Sky Austria...).

    Am besten ist, du gibst in Oscam.dvbapi so was ein:

    ######## ORF OSCAM ########


    I: 0

    das heißt CAID 0D95 wird für entschlüsseln von Sender ORF2O HD priorisiert.

    Und so kannst du für restliche Sender auch machen.

    Wenn du aber neue Karte hast dann must du P:0650 eingeben.

    Teste einfach alles. Bei mir funktioniert P:0650 weil ich die neue ORF Karte habe.
