Posts by csa

    hi guys, finally bought a Formuler F1 satellite receiver with 3 sat tuners.

    Which is the best image for this box ?

    I use CCCAM now but i would also like to try out the IPTV on this box without using kodi, is that possible ?

    hope, this is a good box... haven`t even opened the parcel yet.

    Thanks guys :)

    hi guys, i have a dm800hd clone with Sim 201.

    i have been really confused with the SSL thing.... how do i find the SSL version of my dm800hd clone.

    What exactly is SSL numbers stande for ?

    i have a Blackhole 2.1.7 preinstalled image on my box.

    What is the best image for this box ?

    and which would be the best image if i think of changing from CCCAM to IPTV ?


    thanks guys for all the help

    finally my dm800hd is working again. it was the power supply.

    so i think i would wait for the the Vu+ Zero 4K and Uno 4K SE .

    Still not sure.

    but thanks anywayz

    and the quality ?

    i'm willing to spend little more if the quality of the box is reasonable better.

    my max limit is approx. 180€ but if u guys recommend this box then why to spend more.

    HI mokeem, i would like to sell.

    but i don't know what's wrong with the box. it's not starting.

    and it's a clone.

    if u're interested, let me know and ur offer.


    hi, I have not decided about the budget, but at the same time not looking to spend too much.

    Looking for a reasonable box for a good value.

    Twin tuner not a proirity.

    Won't mind a 4k UHD box.

    As i said i had a dreambox dm800hd and i was very happy.

    One thing i know for sure, it has to be good quality. Don't need a cheap clone.


    Hi guys,

    I want to buy satellite box but I don't know which one to buy.

    I have a dm800hd clone but since last night no power on the box. mayb it's roasted.

    I have looked few models and see a lot more new models have arrived... but android, linux.

    At present i'm using dm800hd, with 2 satellites and CCCAM, so need for that and if possible iptv for future.

    i'm not sure if Android boxes are good or it'll be absolete soon due to new android versions... what happens to mobile phones.
    or stick with a new dreambox.

    Please guide me.

    Thanks in advance guys.