Posts by leole

    Hello to all

    I am using a Golden Media Spark reloaded with Enigma 2 V3 from Hyperion .

    I would like to install the plugin nasscamd for Enigma 2 but I dont know wich one I need to install .

    Someone on a different forum told me to download it here but the two different version I tried did not work .

    E2-OE2.x OpenPli & E2-OE2.x Openatv

    I tried to install it with DCC and one seem like to be installed correctly but when I check in my plugin list I dont see the plugin .

    Do anyone know anything about how to install nasscamd plugin for Enigma 2 Hyperion 3 ?

    Thank you very much .


    Hello To all

    I have some problem using the enigma 2 and oscam config on GM spark reloaded .

    Here the detail from what I did and what is not working I realy hope someone can help me litle bit with that .

    I first downloaded the enigma 2 version available here OK

    I tried to install CCCAM from error message ( incompatible with the architecture configured ) no way to install it .
    After a lot of search I did found info on the forum that oscam is the best cam system to use under enigma 2 so I did install all oscam pluging I was able to find in the plugin section from the os .

    Actually when I go to the emu PKTblue pannel > emu manager I see the following installed

    On my previous receiver I was using cccam so I have no clue how the oscam work so I did read this post and followed the instructions .

    I did put my clines in the CCcam to oscam converter and I did generate a oscam.server file , like explained on the site I did put all the files unzip from Basic sh4 dvbapi config.rar ( oscam.conf + oscam.user unziped without changes + the new oscam.server file I did generate with my clines to /var/keys ..

    But nothing happen :( Could anyone provide me some help and tell me what I do wrong ?

    Thank you very much .