Posts by kamel

    after conect
    misage ;( star or restar the machine ) the progrsse 20°/° and no more.

    hello to all
    scoot if you can help me thanks

    i calling E-Dream Shop in french country and said if can send the vu+solo.

    see I can not send it to Europe,this very complicated.

    it there is someone help to repair ?

    after bad flash of duo for solo usb , the solo is on red led
    and i have reflash whithe nice and exactelait image and boot , the solo dont work , always red led

    scoot alo

    plz help

    thanck scoot
    my problem is

    the vu+solo is in red led
    i conecte the solo whit tuppy terminal and inthrnet cabel nulmodem
    and the solo dant work
    the page of terminal after to conect vu+solo is black and letre y is on and no more
    my come is com2 and 115200 1 8 non non ip telnet

    plz help

    my vu+solo is not clone is made in korea and i have depuit 2010 much 5000 000 dinards algeriens 5 millions

    thanck and sorry

    thanck to all

    my vu+solo after the bade flash , the red led is on .i have reflashe with the bes image and the solo is always red led , i have the cabel nul modem and the logiciel putty and i dont have the experionse , after the conect putty the scrime is black and no more . thanck to all and sorry plz help :mcoist:

    thanck to all

    my vu+solo after the bade flash , the red led is on .i have reflashe with the bes image and the solo is always red led , i have the cabel nul modem and the logiciel putty and i dont have the experionse , after the conect putty the scrime is black and no more . thanck to all and sorry plz help

    i conect the por and the folowing screw is black and smaul vert point in the left,

    une page est ouverte mais noire , est rien est passer apret . sorry for the french langage

    and best regard thanck you for this poste

    hello to all

    help pls
    i wana repaire my vu+solo , i have the cable nul modem , and i dont sey to worck the prosudure .

    sorry for my bade english , im in algeria i m arabic and i speack arabic and french and no mush english
    mest regard