Posts by stinkefisch

    I keep getting this during the scan

    2023-02-05 13:47:18.125 linuxdvb: BCM7335 FE #0 : DVB-S #0 - poll TIMEOUT

    2023-02-05 13:47:18.267 linuxdvb: BCM7335 FE #0 : DVB-S #0 - retune nodata

    2023-02-05 13:47:25.784 linuxdvb: BCM7335 FE #0 : DVB-S #0 - poll TIMEOUT

    2023-02-05 13:47:26.318 linuxdvb: BCM7335 FE #0 : DVB-S #0 - retune nodata

    2023-02-05 13:47:27.015 mpegts: 10832.25H in Astra - scan no data, failed

    2023-02-05 13:47:27.015 subscription: 0009: "scan" unsubscribing

    2023-02-05 13:47:27.125 mpegts: 10891.25H in Astra - tuning on BCM7335 FE #0 : DVB-S #0

    2023-02-05 13:47:27.409 subscription: 000B: "scan" subscribing to mux "10891.25H", weight

    Hi got a question here,

    I tried this just for fun on my Vu Duo.

    TVHeadend starts and I can see the both tuners.

    When I try to scan I doesn't find a single channel on Astra or Hotbird.

    I am using a monoblock quad LNB with DM900 (Astra / Hotbird) and without starting thvheadend on the Vu which also works with Simple tuner seetings (Astra / Hotbird).
    Any idea how to make this work please ?