Posts by Blackie42


    Installed new BH, sent Catseyes to box but can't remember how to get Long & Lat in.

    Keep getting 'error -no tuner is configured for use with diseqc positioner' when I select
    Positioner set up.

    What do I need to do in Tuner configuration

    Help Please


    Hi Master G

    Works up to the scan. Box appears with header 'Service scan' and below scan done !21 channels found!

    But only buttons on handset that works is exit which just goes back to service searching. No channels stored


    For some reason this channel drops the signal continuosly - all others stable. Sports, Movies etc

    12110 H is the the feequency using catseye settings

    Is there another frequency for Sports 1 and if so how to add to list?

    many thanks

    Hi Master G,

    Installed the Oscam IPK and does show in the blue panel but selecting Oscam does not clear channels.

    However CCCAM 2.3.0 does now work. Not sure if installing OSCAM has made CCCAM work again or whether there was a temporary glitvh.

    What do I need to do with the files in the RAR?

    On the WEBIF page it does give details of the channel thats on screen currently - can I ask what you mean by
    'Copy here the log from startup and after viewing sports channels'

    thanks for your help

    Hi Guys,

    Sorry to bother but I'm having same trouble.

    Using a V+ zero & CCCAM but sports channels not clearing, movies OK a the moment. Dont see the CCCAM details at bottom of screen.

    It was fairly easy to set up CCCAM and although heard of OSCAm nit sure what is (software addon?) or how to configure for box.

    Any guide for Zero on how to install it, what version I need and how to configure?

    Many Thanks


    Service not found (SID not in PAT)

    Just uploaded new catseye settings and everting else works but this channel

    Any ideas


    Have the ready made settings but there seems to be some missing -sport channels on 19.2E FOR INSTANCE.

    I think its cos I'm using autoscan rather than manual scan - will give it a try later



    Using the E2 settings but would like to scan and save (then edit) channels myself.

    I tried to do this but as I scan the box moves to a different satellite.

    Any instructions for doing this around?

    many thanks

    Earlier thread says not possible to record on VU+ Zero. Well I couldn't manage it anyway!

    No expert but don't you need more than one tuner to do it anyway?


    Ok thanks for that = not going mad then.

    Reading about OpenPli 4 sounds to me like you have to reflash box every day - think I can live without recording for a while.


    Thanks - tried that too -stillget the message that its not writeable.

    Either the Zero can't record to USB or I'm doing something stupid. Although I am following the
    guidance you guys are giving. Only thing I haven't tried is downgrading to BH 2.1.6 or maybe one of the other images

    OK - I installed the TSpanel and now I see 'recording paths' but it wasn't there before I swear.

    Will follw rest of instructions now

    Still having trouble with this. I have a FAT32 formatted USB stick in the box.

    Mountpoint /media/usb (also tried /media/hdd) & saved.

    Main Menu/Set up/System/Customise/Set up mode = expert

    Main Menu/Set up/System/Recording Paths -this is set to /hdd/movie as 'Default movie location' =can't be changed

    When I save with green button I get error message 'The directory /hdd/movie is not wrireable
    . Select a writeable directory instead

    - - - Updated - - -

    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks for input BUT this does not work on the VU+ Zero running BH 2.1.7. There is no internal hard drive on the zero AFAIK.

    In 'system' you have to hit 'customise' to change the set up mode to 'expert'. There is no option 'recording paths' in this menu that I can see

    Appears the instructions above refer to different VU+ models or other images?

    Any one have any idea how to record to external storage device on the Zero? There must be other users who have figured this out?
