Posts by superlarrson

    hi all im just wondering if there is anyway to test a server for connection without a card stream fta or something similar just to know the stb is connect and receiving data from it thanks in advance

    Did you follow the guide(s) masterG sent you? Maybe you should outline what steps you did and someone can spot what is wrong.

    yip followed guides i have opened ports before its pretty straight forward i have my linux pc wired and windows laptop wireless tried both accesed modem opened port then when i check with canyouseeme or any other port checker for that matter it says closed but as i have already said i have no problem leaving port 12000 open

    Try this guide -> vm superhub if that doesn`t work try one of these -> other guides..

    hope someone can help me out a bit iv been at this for ages iv googled tried every tut available i still am unable to open any ports on my router only port allowing me to use is 12000 but i need additional ports open someone must know how to sort this out well heres hoping :linuxsat:

    cheers for the links i aware how to open ports on my hub and the port was open last week when i checked all i done was close port on router and enable it now it shows as closed

    hi everyone hope someone can help me i have been unable to open ports on my vm superhub it allows me to forward port 12000 but thats all not anymorei did a cpl of weeks ago have the port i needed open but i closed it as wasnt using it now for some reason i can select anymore hope someone can advise thanks

    Hi everyone iv been testing different thingswith my ubuntu oscam server I couldn't get the card I had workin so giving myself a rest but came across biss and constant cw keys can i add these to oscam and serve to set top boxes I noticed there are some channels we can't get and was wanting to play around with them am I wasting my time with this cheers for any replies

    alright everyone im setting up my infinity usb unlimited on my linux 14.04 server i want to make sure i have it set up correct before i insert the card master g kindly sent me some configs other day but had issues with them its recognised in the scan usb on webif but first time i was getting error now i just have e and what looks like a euro sign this is no dought some sort of error i just want to make sure i have all configs correct in oscam for running this reader and also does cccam cfg need anything added cheers in advance :57:

    its ok im back in it seems to be if i remove the server config reader ect i get bk into webif i disabled with a hash got access when enabled no access so its the server config thats the problem

    i have been able to access webif untill i changed the settings with configs you gave me im pretty sure its a problem with http allowed as you said i have tried different ways but still nothing and tried 2 browsers

    alright guys i have got a white sly card with a phoniex usb reader i was wondering if there was a tut around for reading details and sharing this particular card cheers in advance

    alright everyone really new to cs scene and been gave great advice here and met cpl cracking ppl i have my linux pc server running ubuntu 14.04 i have gnome desktop oscam/cccam installed i will be trying a s.. card in my reader at the weekend just want to make sure everything set up ok i have 1 little issue i have set up a no ip account do i still require a account with dyn ? i have this in no ip ( i take it this will form part of my line that i would give to friends? i have done lots of reading so not just expecting someone to do all work for me im just a bit unsure about the no ip, dyn purpose and as for lines i have read plenty about them aswell what other parts make up my line cheers for any advice