Posts by deanm

    Thanks for trying your best phonix its puzzling guess ill have to try an older image to determine if its related to the uno. I wouldn't say the tv is the cause it still should split on the screen if the tv is not in 3d mode.

    Thanks for you reply but think i have figured it out a different way on vix menu>system>auto language selection set prefer ac3 to yes and prefer audio stream stored by service to no then rebooted box. Seems to have worked on all channels even after i have powered down.

    Thanks lads i have just noticed a problem hopefully you can help im running mgcamd 1.38 all channels seem to clear but when i change from the channel im on and go back to it awhile later it wont clear untill i restart cam or box ?

    Thanks for your quick reply much appreciated i got the epg working perfect just trying to figure out the bouquets there is a settings tab in the plugins on the vix image are these bouquets ?

    Hi im running the latest vix image on my vu+uno i would like to know where i can get the latest bouquets for 28.2 can i download them on the image or do i have to install them manually ? I would aslo like to know how i can get a fully working epg it seems to only work on the channels i have clicked on.

    Hi i have afew questions about the vu+uno . I want to flash it with the latest vix image is there anything i need todo before i flash as i read on another form something about having flash kernal first Or is this just for duo ? I want to run cccam and mgcamd where can i find the latest softcams for the vix image i know how to install the cams but dont know where to put the c:/n: lines as i have been told the config files are different and dont come with the cams when installed ?. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks